The silly comedy franchise Austin Powers, which gripped the nation in the late 1990s, never tickled me pink like it did so many others. International Man of Mystery debuted in 1997 and provided a smirk or two, but the follow-up ran out of gas by using more or less the same schtick as...
Data Scientist Salary in Chicago $109,000 / year 9.98% less than the U.S. average Data scientists collect, organize, and analyze large sets of data, providing analysis that is key to decision making. Governments, non-profits, and businesses of... Read more Learn about becoming a Data ...
In “Chariots of the Gods?” and his subsequent books, von Däniken posits that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times, influencing human culture, technology, and religion. He supports this theory with various archaeological and historical evidence, such as the construction of the E...