In the sci-fi comedy flick, Men in Black, we meet Jay (Will Smith), a New York City cop, and Kay (Tommy Lee Jones), a seasoned agent from a covert organization. This clandestine outfit, known as Men in Black, silently guards Earth from extraterrestrial threats. Jay is recruited into...
The Best Sci-Fi Movies Of The '80s The 120+ Best '80s Family Movies, Ranked The Best Lifetime Movies of the '80s The Best Black Movies Of The 1980s The Greatest Directors of the 1980s The Best War Movies Of The 1980s The Best 1980s Gangster Movies, Ranked The Best Romantic Comedies...
Our readers nominated 36 quotes from science fiction and fantasy films. They voted 3,269 times (and these votes represented 38 countries). Now, the results are in for the Top 10 Fantasy and Sci-Fi Movie Quotes of all time. In the Number One spot, the win
Sherlock Holmes and The Empire Builders is an epic alternate world sci fi adventure featuring The World’s Greatest Detective as people have never seen him before. When Watson leaves Holmes to help Crick unravel the DNA helix and finds himself in the employ of England’s most evil man, ...
YA alien books for sci-fi lovers YA K-dramas Mangas Video game novels YA choose your own adventure Long story short we collected the best YA book series, focusing on those you may not seen on TV or the book series may add a highly different blend to the story. Some quick links for ...
Most of William Gibson’s novels revolve around a dystopian future society, but Neuromancer may be the best of them all. This novel won the sci-fi “triple crown” for writers by winning the Nebula, Hugo, and Philip K. Dick awards. In the seedy underground of a Japanese city, a compute...
I thought I’d paw through the “sci-fi” section of my collection and share 25 of my favorites. Keep in mind that these are personal favorites; I was careful not to title the post “Top 25 Sci-fi Movies of All Time” (there is no more surefire way to spark a virtual bare-knuckle...
Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep Directed by Adam McKay Watch on Netflix An over-the-top satire from Adam McKay,Don’t Look Upis worth a watch simply for the insane number of A-list actors in the cast. The film focuses on two nobody astron...
Free-Ebooksis a compressive platform that provides a diverse variety of free books, including academic texts, novels, non-fiction, textbooks, classics, and more. Subcategories include science, engineering, humor, parenting, sci-fi classics, advertising, and self-teaching. As a member ofFree-Ebooks...
Sci-fi Story Ideas Fantasy Story Ideas Horror Story Prompts Why Creative Writing Prompts Are Helpful Below, you'll find our best creative writing prompts and plot ideas for every genre, but first, why do we use prompts? Is it just a waste of time, or can they actually help you? Here ...