Octavia Zarola and her bounty hunting crew accept a job for a price they can’t refuse. But they soon realize that they might be on the verge of starting a new war. This exciting sci fi romance is full of plot twists and found family. Best Sci Fi Books of All Time Now it’s time...
Destroy All Humans! One of the funniest sci-fi games to emerge in recent years comes by way of German developers Black Forest Games. Their whacky take on all things extraterrestrial, Destroy All Humans! gets its inspiration straight from UFO lore. In the game you take charge of Cryptosporidiu...
The best sci-fi books stretch our concept of what science can do. From dystopian near-futures to space adventures, you'll love these science fiction books.
These are the best humorous science fiction books out there. Not only do they provide an immersive experience into an unusual world, but they also give you some excellent stories to think about. Besides, these are the type of funny sci-fi books that can prove science fiction can be incredib...
Bottom line, these are some of the most exciting military science fiction books out there. The list can go longer, indeed, but these titles will satisfy your hunger for action while stimulating your mind with incredible and original sci-fi technologies and plot twists. Check also our all time...
北京时间2022年6月28日,Clarivate Analytics官方发布最新年度(2021年)期刊引用报告(JCR),全球期刊影响因子(Impact factor,缩写IF)出炉。 世界公认的三大名刊NCS 世界公认的三大名刊主要是指:Nature,Cell,Science。整体来说今年三大刊的表...
2022年中国高校发表SCI论文数量排名【Top100】 只看楼主 收藏 回复 贴吧用户_0C4K388 武林高手 9 郑大16 点击展开,查看完整图片 wangzisong2012 初涉江湖 1 上万篇。。。太夸张了 天街好好 初涉江湖 1 破坏一大片树林 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清...
最新SCI期刊影响因子前100榜单 今年共有近13000本期刊获得影响因子,其中60%以上的期刊IF实现了上涨。影响因子最高的仍然是Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians,但今年下跌较多,由508.702降至286.130。国产期刊影响因子最高的是Cell Research,最新IF为46.297,重回国刊榜首。
2022年,全球有超过13000种期刊获得了影响因子,其中大部分期刊的IF有所增长。然而,Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians的影响力显著下滑,从508.702降至286.130。在国内期刊中,Cell Research以46.297的IF再次成为焦点,占据榜首。疫情对学术出版产生了重大影响,自然医学领域尤其明显,相关论文的发表极大...
2022最新SCI影响因子发布,三大名刊NCS及国内期刊TOP10排名有变化 北京时间2022年6月28日,Clarivate Analytics官方发布最新年度(2021年)期刊引用报告(JCR),全球期刊影响因子(Impact factor,缩写IF)出炉。 世界公认的三大名刊NCS 世界公认的三大名刊主要是指:Nature,Cell,Science。整体来说今年三大刊的表现非常亮眼,影响...