不管是创业、市场营销,还是人力资源、国际商务,澳大利亚的管理硕士无疑是世界顶尖的,在福布斯MBA榜单上,该学院也位列第11名。 商学院网址:https://www.unsw.edu.au/business/our-schools/agsm 昆士兰大学 University of Queensland Business School Top 115 昆士兰大学商学院是澳大利亚第一所获得世界两大商学院组织AACS...
The school provides technical and theoretical insights that inform environmental initiatives in China, and it collaborates with many other schools. Next:7 (tie). University of Queensland Australia 5/15 Credit 7 (tie). University of Queensland Australia Location: Brisbane, Q...
After year one, students wishing to pursue a major not listed in one of the direct-admit schools may apply for a “dual-enrollment” or transfer into the School of Communication and Information (SCI), the Edward J. Bloustein School ...
昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),简称UQ,1909年12月10日成立于昆士兰州首府布里斯班,这里是澳大利亚的第三大城市,总人口约257万,仅次于悉尼与墨尔本。这座城市在亚太地区蓬勃发展,堪称全球商业、技术、大型活动和教育中心。昆士兰大学在布里斯班及周边地...
Washington University in St Louis United States 52 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States 53 Wageningen University & Research Netherlands 54 Australian National University Australia 54 The University of Queensland Australia 54
The University of Melbournecontinues to be the most popular destination with 70% of our graduates heading to Australia. Furthermore, Monash University, the University of Queensland and the University of Adelaide are the other top destinations. ...
Other top Australian schools areThe University of New South Wales,The University of Sydney,Monash University,The University of QueenslandandAustralian National University. New Zealand'sThe University of Aucklandscores highly in the H-index citations indicator. It is home to 10 research and engagement ...
Adrian Taylor
Also within the top 50 areRMIT University(304thin the world rankings), theUniversity of Queensland(43rdin the world rankings), theUniversity of Newcastle(257thin the world rankings) andMonash University(70thin the world rankings). Neighboring New Zealand boasts one top arc...