哥大的商学院、国际暨公共事务学院、新闻学院、法学院、医学院、工程与应用科学学院和师范学院等研究所及专业学院在国际上享负盛名。 校训:In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen借汝之光,得见光明 U.S. News 2023-2024 Best Business Schools Top 30 完整榜单
Ranked ninth this year for its MSc Business Analytics degree, theUniversity of Manchester’s Alliance Manchester Business School is one of the oldest business schools in the UK, UK established in 1956. Alliance Manchester receives high scores for di...
Lancaster University Management School is recognized as one of the few business schools in the world to hold quadruple accreditation. It consistently ranks in the top 10 UK schools for Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Business and Management.
The following 10 schools have the highest percentage of, according to data submitted to U.S. News for the 2016Top Business Schoolsrankings. This list excludes Unranked schools. This list has been updated to remove Georgia Institute of Technology’s Sc...
Top schools: London Business SchoolWomen at Business School
近日,QS发布了2021年Top Business Schools排名,本次排名基于此前QS发布的世界大学学科排名中的商科专业排名表现来评定的。 QS商学院排名自上世纪90年代开始发布。每年发布一次,每次参与调查的MBA毕业生上千名,是全球最有影响力的商学院排名之一。 今年QS全球商学院排名涵盖了北美、欧洲、亚洲、大洋洲,拉丁美洲和非洲六...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
Highlighting top business schools around the world This new business school ranking aims to assess institutions’ overall performance and prestige in the business and management field, at both undergraduate and graduate level. It is based on the samemethodologyused across the QS Wo...
This article measures efficiency of the top 50 business schools in the United States in 2006, using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. We use peer assessment (to represent school quality) and average Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores (to represent student ability) as input...
——Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences; Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences 使我生活前进的方式就是有好奇心,但不仅仅是好奇,而是想办法找到能满足你好奇心的办法,你所好奇的可能正是你感兴趣的事情,也有可能是你一生都想要追求的事情。