30 - 40 Webb Schools US 40 - 50 Canford School UK 40 - 50 Charterhouse School UK 40 - 50 Headington School UK 40 - 50 Hun School of Princeton US 40 - 50 Kent School US 40 - 50 Northfield Mount Hermon School US 40 - 50 Radley College UK 40 - 50 Rugby School UK 40 - 50 St....
Charterhouse School(切特豪斯公学)、Concord College(协和学院)、Rugby School(拉格比公学)、Brighton College(布莱顿中学)、Fettes College(菲蒂斯中学)、Gordonstoun (高登斯顿学校)、Highgate School(海格特公学,走读)、King’s College School ...
九大公学之一的拉格比公学是英式橄榄球的发源地。在Rugby的校园内,随处可见进行体育项目训练的孩子们,大家乐在其中,并感受到体育的真实魅力。 以橄榄球培训闻名及自豪的Rishworth School,则有为了提供高阶及专业榄球训练而设的橄榄球学院。 学生在学校可以选择训练技巧为主的 Skill Programme ,也可以选择以精英训练为主...
“运动第一,成绩第二” 在Eton College、Rugby School等英国Top Schools,一个强壮的体魄更被追捧 近期,一起又一起的校园霸凌事件令人痛心,令社会震惊。 3月24日,福建晋江,一初中女学生长期遭同学霸凌,在给家人发信息后跳楼身亡。 3...
12Rugby School 拉格比公学 01 威斯敏斯特公学 Westminster School 招生年龄:13-18岁 2023 A-Level成绩:95.6%A*-B 威斯敏斯特公学Westminster School是英国九大公学之一,也是唯一一所保留在伦敦市中心原址的学校。 威斯敏斯特的起源可以追溯到威斯敏斯特大教堂的修道士创办的一所慈善学校。自1540年修道院解散后,他重建了...
DESC is one of the leading UK curriculum schools in the city, offering classes from Year 7 to Year 13. The school follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Sports facilities include rugby pitches, badminton courts, high-performance gyms and cricket ...
在BE TOP SCHOOLS英国菁英寄宿学校招生峰会上,英国Top私校招生官会面对面分享学校最新的学术成绩、毕业生走向、毕业生专业分布等信息,在这里,没有留学信息差。 2024年BE TOP SCHOOLS英国菁英私校招生峰会已进入确认参会学校名单环节! 感兴趣的家庭,从现在就可以准备起来,多一次面试机会,多一份进入梦校的可能~...
BE TOP SCHOOLS招生峰会 多年来,必益教育和Rugby School一直保持着紧密的联系,每年的BE TOP SCHOOLS上,必益教育会邀请Rugby、Sevenoaks、Downe House、Marlborough等菁英私校的现任招生官来华和留学家庭面对面交流,分享招生信息、学校近况。 ←Rugby招生官在BE TOP SCHOOLS活动上交流答疑→ ...
Top Rugby Schools Try to Kick Dope Claims into Touch; under Pressure: The Prestige of Many Schools Relies on Their Performances in RugbyByline: Yvonne TarletonDaily Mail (London)
9. Rugby Rugby is also one of themost popular sports in the world.Rugbyis a style of football that was developed at a rugby school, it is considered as one of the most dangerous sports in the world Rugby is still popular among a lot of countries around the Globe. The sport is played...