In this delightful romantic comedy, a struggling composer and a go-go dancer embark on a wild and unexpected night together after meeting at a gay bar. As the two men navigate the crowded city streets in search of a private space, their unlikely connection leads to a series of hilariously ...
On Mr. Badii’s search to find someone to provide his wish, he runs into a Turkish taxidermist who drives him around the dusty roads of Iran while trying to convince the suicidal man of life’s beauty. Critics liked it. Time wrote, “The talk flows persuasively; the picture pulses with...
Throwing a hurtle into their blissful affair is Bruno’s girlfriend, Carla (Astrid Berges-Frisbey), who is drawn to both men while shunning their romantic attraction to one another. The three characters interact and carry on affairs with each other leading to a series of emotions that influence...
This German-Turkish comedian has charmed audiences with his self-deprecating humor and hilarious observations on life. Bülent Ceylan's infectious energy and undeniable charisma have made him a standout performer in the German comedy scene. Birthplace: Mannheim, Germany Ilka Bessin Age: 53 Coming ...
The fact that it is set in romantic Paris helps make the film glamorous and cultured. Verhoeven even weaves a whodunit into the story for much of the movie until the rapist is revealed shockingly. If the film had ended with the big reveal, this would have made for a compelling, if not...
If there is hope, then it probably lies in the direction of Turkish Barbering and possibly now the new craze of Hygge. In terms of physical objects, there are many suggestions on the web, like this one: A hammerless short-barrel revolver, which you clean and oil daily, give a woman’...
Carpe Diem String Quartet – Erberk Eryilmaz, Dances of the Yogurt Maker – New Music for String Quartet and Turkish Folk Percussion. These passionate performances imbue Erylimaz’s compositions with a flash of energy and wit. An exhilarating listen front to back, this album is “a whirlwind ri...
On Mr. Badii’s search to find someone to provide his wish, he runs into a Turkish taxidermist who drives him around the dusty roads of Iran while trying to convince the suicidal man of life’s beauty. Critics liked it. Time wrote, “The talk flows persuasively; the picture pulses with...
Born of an Arabic tale, it has been interpreted hundreds of times in Persian, Turkish, and Indian languages. It has influenced playwrights, composers, filmmakers, scholars, modern popular language, the first opera of Islamic origin, and individuals as varied as Aleister Crowley and Eric Clapton....
series and films, including; Wansapanataym, Kung Ako’y Iiwan Mo, She’s the One, Must Be… Love, Got to Believe, Forevermore, Just The Way You Are and Everyday I Love You and the television series Dolce Amore. Currently, she’s starred in the romantic comedy drama film My Ex and ...