Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Google Scholar Starks, T. J., Gamarel, K. E., & Johnson, M. O. (2014). Relationship characteristics and HIV transmission risk in same-sex male couples in HIV serodiscordant relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(1), 139–147...
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— Publishers Weekly on Elin Hilderbrand's Summer People Every summer the Newton family retreats to their beloved home on Nantucket for three months of sunshine, cookouts, and bonfires on the beach. But this summer will not be like any other. When Arch Newton, a prominent New York attorney,...
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Scholars, publishers and policymakers are seeking solutions to combat predatory publishing, which has become a major academic problem. This research paper provides a bibliometric analysis of the citation patterns and trends in the predatory publishing literature. The study analyzed the 100 ...
The list reveals just how powerfully research has been affected by computation and the analysis of large data sets. But it also serves as a reminder that the position of any particular methods paper or database at the top of the citation charts is also down to luck and circumstance. Still...
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