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SUV market is growing month on month, with some manufacturers upgrading their respective SUVs with some new features and some
The 2025 Audi Q3 is one of the most affordable luxury subcompact SUVs on the market. The ultra-modern Q3 boasts understated elegance, and it comes with a long list of standard features, top-notch materials and ample tech. However, many rivals offer more horsepower. Read more » 8.6 SCO...
9月份卖了18583辆,销量仅次于星越L,它一方面是有油电系统加持,能耗低,用车成本低,一方面也因为终端的优惠的比较多大,已经来到了很多中国品牌SUV的价格区间了。TOP3 探岳 探岳9月份卖出了18422辆,销量三连涨,这台车虽然定位以及指导价都是中型SUV,但实际上它的尺寸并不大,车长不到4.6米,轴距却是超过2....
比亚迪从金九开始状态勇猛,不止集团销量10万10万地暴涨,旗下车型也卖得非常火爆。不过可惜宋PLUS纵然连续第3个月销量超4万台,是近两年来的尖峰状态,但也还是没能拿下第一。这不是因为宋PLUS不够优秀,而是市场竞争实在太激烈了,蛋糕不够匀。尤其家用插混SUV这块,实乃车企必争之地。TOP 1:特斯拉Model Y ...
According to the 2019 IQS, the following all-new, redesigned, or carryover 2019 model-year vehicles receive an initial quality award for having the fewest problems and ranking highest in their respective vehicle segments.
Based on the J.D. Power 2014 APEAL Study, the following models are the top-rated crossover SUVs and traditional SUVs.
9月份的SUV市场,同样是新能源车型高歌猛进,而燃油车还在苦苦挣扎,尤其一些经典燃油SUV,顽强守住自己一亩三分地。所以在SUV销量TOP 10榜上,还是有4款油车捍卫着尊严的。TOP 10:丰田锋兰达9月销量:17620指导价:12.58-18.48万都知道合资品牌一片叫苦声,但广丰却跟漫哥一样,都是环境中的一股清流。因为...
1月第三周中型SUV销量TOP30:探岳第4,昂科威回前10!1月份第三周中型SUV销量榜TOP10,仅有两款新能源车型上榜,分别是特斯拉Model Y和宋L DM,特斯拉Model Y依然是高居榜首,不过单周销量也是未能突破8000辆,宋L DM排名第9位,第三周大卖3300辆。其余8款车型均为燃油车,奇瑞瑞虎8和大众途观L分获二三名,...
Be it off-roading chops, speed or sheer luxury, there’s a full-sized SUV for you. Here are some of the best