Discover top sellers. Get help deciding which seller to buy from. Trust their reputation. RankSellerLocation30 Day RatingsLifetime Ratings 1second.saleUnited States133,3597,026,367 2musicmagpieUnited Kingdom120,37419,451,552 3medimopsGermany92,52712,726,022 ...上的优秀评级卖家(Top Rated Seller)将自动成为加拿大、法国和意大利站点上的eBay优秀评级卖家(Top Rated Seller)。 但是,美国、英国和德国站点有各自不同的优秀评级卖家(Top Rated Seller)标准,具体将根据卖家与上述三大站点的本土国家的买家进行的交易来确定。卖家只有在达到这三大站点的标准后才能够成为...
I offer a 30 day free return, but the handling time is 5 days. Why does the Top Rated Seller badge not appear?
而eBay的Top-rated seller(优秀卖家)在遇到特定情况时,能够获得更广泛的保护。如果买家声称商品与描述不符,但卖家举报并得到eBay认证,确认商品实际与描述相符,eBay将补贴退货运费,自动移除负面反馈和涉及卖家服务的case。Top-rated seller还可以在部分退款情况下,最多扣除50%的退款,以弥补商品损失。...
eBay顶级卖家(Top-rated seller)代表着对卖家及其店铺和产品的高度认可。达到这一级别不仅能够获得“Top-rated”标识,还能增加消费者的信任度,从而提高转化率和订单量。eBay的卖家等级分为三个级别,分别为Top Rated、Above Standard和Below Standard。Top Rated意味着卖家可以提供优质的客户服务,达到成为...
When i check my seller status at Ebay i see i am a Top rated seller but my listings doesn´t have the Top Seller badge . I first thought the badge was for Top Rated plus but i checked other sellers listings who have the TRS badge and they are not accepting returns... So how ...
ebay top-rated seller 读音:美英 ebay top-rated seller基本解释 eBay高度评价卖家 分词解释 eBayeBay 公司成立于1995 年9 月 top-rated最受欢迎的 seller卖者,卖方
eBay的首要宗旨,是让消费者能够享受到优质的购物体验,所以就有了“卖家等级和绩效标准”。 作为eBay平台的第三方卖家,要及时追踪其店铺绩效,让消费者能够放心购买。eBaytop-rated seller(顶级卖家/优秀卖家),毫无疑问,是对卖家及其店铺和产品的肯定,如果达到这个级别,获得“Top-rated”标识,可以让卖家更容易得到消费者...
卖家评级分为Top Rated、Above Standard和Below Standard三种。Top Rated卖家是eBay的畅销商品卖家,需提供卓越服务和购物体验,还需满足其他标准。Above Standard卖家至少达到最低标准,提供良好服务。而Below Standard卖家未达最低标准。eBay重视卖家评级和绩效分数,低分数可能导致搜索排名受限,账号活跃度受限...
Top eBay sellers, updated on February 27th. The seller ratings number shown is reviews received by sellers from shoppers after a purchase. Seller rank is based on the number of seller ratings received during the last 30 days. An arrow pointing up ▲ indi