Breaking Bad is the best-rated TV Series of all time. The show follows an underachieving high school chemistry teacher (played by Bryan Cranston) who receives a lung cancer diagnosis around his 50th birthday. Not wanting to leave behind his family in debt, he turns to cooking meth. 2. Plan...
Filed under: Action Entertainment 2000s 2000s Movies Watchworthy Film Fact-checked by:Jason Bancroft17 MORE LISTS Revisiting the 2000s Nostalgia for the movies, TV shows, stars, music, food, fashion, and toys of the decade that was already so long ago. The Best Toy Commercials of the 200...
In this website, you canwatch and download moviesfrom different categories such as Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Fandom, Romance, Sports, Thriller, Crime, Anime, and Horror. If you register yourself here, you can watch adult-rated movies without verifying every time. However, you will have to wa...
Action Comedy Documentary New releases Drama Thriller Sci-Fi By clicking on the genre, you will be able to select a movie that you want to watch. Nevertheless, you won’t be able to find any television series or shows on this site. Therefore, it clearly means that you will only get mov...
A slow response time on a TCL TV during fast-paced scenes is like trying to watch a thrilling movie with a foggy lens. Imagine settling in for an action-packed sequence, only to have the swift movements turn into a blur, robbing you of the crisp, clear detail you crave. This isn’t...
In world’s first 5D Porn Cinema all your senses will be triggered. Inside the cozy theatre a X-rated 3D film is displayed. To make the experience 5D, other effects are added like moving seats, water, wind, lights and bubbles. All the effects sync to what’s happening on screen. ...
This dataset contains a list of over 6,000 top-rated titles on IMDb, including both movies and TV series, with a minimum average user rating of 7 and over 10,000 votes. A dataset is updated daily at 10:00 AM CET. If you find this dataset helpful, feel free to give it an upvote!
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A slow response time on a LED TV during fast-paced scenes is like trying to watch a thrilling movie with a foggy lens. Imagine settling in for an action-packed sequence, only to have the swift movements turn into a blur, robbing you of the crisp, clear detail you crave. This isn’t...
Genre:3D Action Adventure At first glance, Luigi’s Mansion 3 feels like a typical ghost hunting game with the same old tropes such games are known for. However, Luigi’s Mansion 3 reinvents the genre and arguably becomes the best in this long series of ghost hunting games by Nintendo. ...