这些开源项目平均star为1128,内容包括Python新利器Pipenv, 自组织映射神经网络(SOM),bpf converter,Chatistics,区块链等。 Top 1:Pipenv [V 9.0] [8622 stars on Github]. 由Kenneth Reitz提供 Python.org官方推荐的的Python包管理工具,旨在将所有包管理工具(如bundler,composer,npm,cargo,yarn等)的优点带入到Pyth...
Project mention:Python Kafka|dev.to|2024-05-30 Flask Tutorial:palletsprojects.com/p/flask/FastAPI Tutorial:github.com/tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-templateDjango REST Framework Tutorial:www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/quickstart/Nginx Configuration Guide:docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server...
At present, the world's most valuable and complex open source projects and free software are growing on GitHub, which has greatly reduced the cost of information technology for many companies and companies around the world. If you are also looking for cutting-edge software technology, you can t...
We update the top AI and Machine Learning projects in Python. Tensorflow has moved to the first place with triple-digit growth in contributors. Scikit-learn dropped to 2nd place, but still has a very large base of contributors.
一款用以清理在 Python 中处理 datetime 时出现的干扰值,可优化datetime模块的操作,方便易用。[GitHub 上 1350 个star]。 作者:Mahdi Yusuf 项目地址: https://github.com/myusuf3/delorean?utm_source=mybridge&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=read_moregithub.com/myusuf3/delorean?utm_source=mybridge&ut...
At Tryolabs we excel at developing heavy Python backends with Machine Learning components. If you need some help in these kind of projects, drop us a line to hello@tryolabs.com (or fill out this form) and we’ll happily connect. ...
Django is widely used to construct APIs and web applications and is one of the top Python frameworks. Approximately 12,000 projects are reported to have been created in it. Popularity of this Python framework is due to its extensive library collection, reduced coding requirements, and reusability...
Lightweight and minimalistic open-source Servers and HTTP monitor ruptime 161549.0Shell poor man’s ruptime Project mention:I want to learn to monitor linux systems.|/r/linuxadmin|2023-12-11 discord-uptime 1936.8Python Discord bot to monitor uptime of services using ping and http requests ...
该项目的训练过程,是通过在游戏(找到宝藏)和模型训练课程(Keras + hyperopt)之间交替进行。 [Github 17颗星] github链接:https://github.com/HugoCMU/pirateAI 原文:https://medium.mybridge.co/machine-learning-top-10-open-source-projects-v-mar-2018-9d2c1d2ed00c...