Some internet therapy providers like Cerebral and MDLive are covered by Medicare. Call the customer service of a virtual counseling center and ask if they take Medicare, or inquire through Medicare itself. Can an online therapist prescribe medication?+- ...
The ‘finding no evidence’ game, ostensibly scientific, is highly politicised and has been used to exaggerate or diminish the fortunes of many treatments, from ECT and Lithium to psychotherapy and social treatments like day centres and walking pet dogs through care homes. Remember when our commiss...
recent research consistently shows that significantly more considerable sleep variability is linked with adverse health outcomes like a higher depression risk. Despite the advances in psychotherapy, insomnia continues to be a significant social burden. ...
been center-stage in American politics for the past 18 months or so, with the national spot- always, we provide thousands of listings of medical providers in Boulder and Broomfield counties, including medical facilities light shining on the Patient Protection and Affordable and individual ...
The patients' right hand movement at the end of the psychotherapy correlated significantly with therapeutic alliance (HAQ post-measurement; r=.55). Hand movement behavior analysis should be considered in psychotherapy research in combination with movement synchrony as a measurement parameter related to ...
Busch F. Distinguishing Psychoanalysis from Psychotherapy. Int J Psychoanal. 2010;91:23–34.BUSCH, F. (2010) Distinguishing Psychoanalysis from Psychotherapy. Int J Psycho- anal, 91, 23-34.Busch F. Distinguishing Psychoanalysis from Psychothe- rapy. Int J Psychoanal. 2010;91:23-34....
This study pursues to expand this body of knowledge by investigating the research question: would an inpatient psychotherapy lead to significant improvements in the LPF?Methods:The study included 156 inpatients at the Psychiatric Hospital M眉nsterlingen, Switzerland. Exclusion criteria were aggression, ...