Are you a college student, young professional or new parent who is tired of feeling anxious? Learn to shift away from distorted thoughts. Tune in to your inner knowing. Move through challenging emotions with greater ease. Mesa Psychotherapy, P.C., Dara G
Kristin Sheehan Psychotherapy Therapist, LPCC I use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Somatic Therapy to help clients get unstuck and reconnect to the wisdom and safety of their body. Do you feel stuck in patterns of relationship stress, anxious thoughts, or disordered eati...
The ‘finding no evidence’ game, ostensibly scientific, is highly politicised and has been used to exaggerate or diminish the fortunes of many treatments, from ECT and Lithium to psychotherapy and social treatments like day centres and walking pet dogs through care homes. Remember when our commiss...
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Sleep is vital for well-being and includes factors like quality and duration. Moreover, recent research consistently shows that significantly more considerable sleep variability is linked with adverse health outcomes like a higher depression risk. Despite the advances in psychotherapy, insomnia continues ...
been center-stage in American politics for the past 18 months or so, with the national spot- always, we provide thousands of listings of medical providers in Boulder and Broomfield counties, including medical facilities light shining on the Patient Protection and Affordable and individual ...
“loss of a loved one” whereby the prescription would be different for both of them.Homeopathic medicines like natrum mur, staphysgaria, lycopodium, ignatia, Kali Phos, Aurum Met and carcinocin are some of the important ones often used in treating depression. Psychotherapy and counselling also...