There are plenty of great PS4 games available today, and many more PS4 games in 2014 that should be on your radar. Now that you own aPS4, you need to add to you collection with these Top PS4 games to buy in 2014. If you are still considering a PS4, this list of PS4 games t...
NO.5《光环:士官长收藏版》 NO.4《刺客信条:大革命》 NO.3《使命召唤11:高级战争》 NO.2《量子破碎》 NO.1《古墓丽影:崛起》
I made here a list of my favorite PS4 games last year. Do please note that my choices of games are mostly action, simulation, survival, sci-fi, fantasy, first-person shooter (FPS) shooter, and role playing games (RPG). These games only made it through the top ten list because of th...
TOP 25 GAMES OF 2014-2015! TOP 25 BEST UPCOMING PS4 – XBOX ONE GAMES OF 2014/2015!
11.《美国末日 重制版》(The Last of Us:Remastered) 乔尔和艾莉的冒险感动了无数的玩家,游戏人物曲折的命运配合世界水准的BGM更是震撼人心。顽皮狗这款集恐怖生存、感人故事、动作要素于一身的作品是部真正的划时代杰作,任何赞美之词放在这款游戏上都不为过,PS4的重制版更是弥补了PS3主机在机能上的种种不足...
那么,在外媒眼中,本届科隆中究竟最棒的游戏是哪几款呢?一起来看看GT评选的游戏TOP5。 PS平台最佳游戏TOP5: NO.5《明日之子》 NO.4《血咒》 NO.3《狂野》 NO.2《RIME》 NO.1《新寂静岭》
Free to Play (PS5 + PS4) PS really needs to address the issue with PS fans loosing their library of games. Please share this to higher up in the company, to the customer service team and the PS UE team. I’ve also lost a few games myself downloading them on the PS3....
See also Top 5 “Rumored” PS4 Games for 2014 & Beyond FIFA 15 We all knew another FIFA entry was headed our way, right? While it might not be any sort of surprise to see another EA-released football game (that’s soccer for people in the US), they always manage to add in some...
PS5 XB Series X PS4 Xbox One PC Switch ...Submit Login 100° Top 10 PC Games To Play In 2015 Muneebsalman99|3567d ago |Opinion piece|15| ▼ 2014 is almost at end. There are many interesting new games coming in 2015. We can say that 2015 is the year of games. Here is a list...