在2024斯皮尔斯学校指数(Spear’s Schools Index)全英最佳私校TOP25私校中,排名第一的是英国安妮公主的母校——Benenden School,王诗龄读的也是这所英国女校。伊顿、哈罗勉强进入全英前10,排名不如另一所英国顶级公学——Brighton College...
在2024斯皮尔斯学校指数(Spear’s Schools Index)全英最佳私校TOP25私校中,排名第一的是英国安妮公主的母校——Benenden School,王诗龄读的也是这所英国女校。伊顿、哈罗勉强进入全英前10,排名不如另一所英国顶级公学——Brighton College...
预备学校(Preparatory School)是英国私立小学的专有词汇,简称 Prep School,针对7-13岁的孩子进行招生,顾名思义就是为公学提供生源的私立小学。 接下来我们就来看看都有哪些学校上榜吧! "The Schools Index" 英国年度十佳预备小学 01 Cottesmore School 02 Dragon School 03 Falkner House Girls 04 Hanford School 05...
在2024斯皮尔斯学校指数(Spear’s Schools Index)全英最佳私校TOP25私校中,排名第一的是英国安妮公主的母校——Benenden School,王诗龄读的也是这所英国女校。伊顿、哈罗勉强进入全英前10,排名不如另一所英国顶级公学——Brighton College高。名不见经传的Fettes College排名比哈罗、圣保罗公学、西敏、温切斯特公学高。圣...
List of featured pre-prep schools: DUCKS (Dulwich College Infant School, Dulwich), co-educational, till 7+ Eaton House Belgravia (Belgravia), boys only, till 7+/8+ Falkner House School (Earl’s Court), boys only, till 7+/8+/11+ Garden House Boys’ School (Chelsea), boys only, till...
Schools that focus on career prep Getting work experience in college can help students land a job after graduation. To gain that real-world training, students can apply for cooperative education programs –which can include paid full-time jobs that typically last three to 12 months – internship...
Similar schools: Falkner House Kensington Prep School Bute House Further resources: My Glendower Prep School visit Glendower prep school
(3) Hatherop Castle School, Wishford Schools Group(哈瑟洛普城堡学校,Wishford学校集团) (4) Lambrook School(兰布鲁克学校) (5) Norwich High Prep School for Girls GDST(诺维奇女子高中预备学校) (6) Saint Ronan’s Prep School(圣罗南预备学校) ...
Meet with schools In-person and virtual worldwide events. Get your questions answered by admissions reps from around the world. Register for an event Prepare your application Get ready to sit the GMAT or GRE by joining the world's first social test-prep platform for free. Try QS Leap ...