在2024斯皮尔斯学校指数(Spear’s Schools Index)全英最佳私校TOP25私校中,排名第一的是英国安妮公主的母校——Benenden School,王诗龄读的也是这所英国女校。伊顿、哈罗勉强进入全英前10,排名不如另一所英国顶级公学——Brighton College...
Online forum that allows you to discuss questions and strategies with UWorld students and experts Buy Now Free Trial Why should I take the ACT exam? Does UWorld cover everything on the exam? How does the free trial work? Why is the UWorld ACT prep course the best?
Glendower Prep does have a sibling policy, which is a great relief for those with younger siblings who can be certain they will gain a place at the school (there was talk of changing this in recent years, however). As a result, the school is more inclusive and friendly than its reputat...
Agora Lledo International School Learn More Aiglon College Learn More The British School of Milan Learn More Education Advisers specialise in offering impartial advice and assistance on school placements, working with a number of schools both in the UK and worldwide. ...
5、HLC Highfield Prep School, Harrogate 费用: 3685镑以内/学期(走读费用) 这是一所注重将教学与生活经历相结合的学校,经常会组织远足活动并充分利用当地资源。除了班主任之外,学校还拥有法语、戏剧和音乐专科教师,可以让孩子从一开始就接受到专业的教育。学校会进行常规的测验来帮助孩子们尽早地适应考试和测试。
(3) Hatherop Castle School, Wishford Schools Group(哈瑟洛普城堡学校,Wishford学校集团) (4) Lambrook School(兰布鲁克学校) (5) Norwich High Prep School for Girls GDST(诺维奇女子高中预备学校) (6) Saint Ronan’s Prep School(圣罗南预备学校) ...
每年大约会有80%的学生进入伊顿公学、温布尔登国王学院圣保罗学校、威斯敏斯特公学和温彻斯特公学。 以上就是英国权威私校教育指南"The Schools Index" 公布的英国年度十佳预备小学。如果对以上学校有兴趣,可以联系我们英教VIP顾问:ukedu2015。
Schools that focus on career prep Getting work experience in college can help students land a job after graduation. To gain that real-world training, students can apply for cooperative education programs –which can include paid full-time jobs that typically last three to 12 months – internship...