Griffin, a former Georgia police officer, first rose to prominence after winning the first season of The Ultimate Fighter. In the tournament finals, he fought and defeated Stephan Bonnar in Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar, which is widely credited as sparking the current success of the UFC....
Start your career in security or need to sharpen your skills? Top Gun Security Academy provides online state-specific security training courses.
Sales Director Casey Moes served for 23 years most recently as a military police officer and has worked in Korea, Italy, Afghanistan and Iraq. When Casey was the US Army’s Africa Director of Operational Protection Directorate she began looking externally, “The Army is so...
New York City police working to ID woman set ablaze in subway and "person of interest" in her death AP - 2 days ago Ex-police officer in the nation's capital is convicted of lying about leaking to the leader of the far-right Proud Boys AP - 2 days ago Mozambique court upholds th...
Welcome to Your Criminal Justice School Guide Whether you're looking to become a forensic analyst, a police officer, or a criminal profiler, this website will serve as your guide. You can browse schools by location like Dallas, TX, or browse by a specific program such as Private Investigatio...
Three-time Tour de France winner Chris Froome of Britain said he was "rammed" by a car driver but unhurt during training in southern France. Sharapova's Wimbledon hopes to be decided in late June Five-time Grand Slam champion Maria Sharapova's hopes of featuring this year's Wimbledon Champio...
Police Officer Police officers risk their lives every day to serve and protect, never knowing what the day will bring — whether it be drug-induced violence, a lost child, or a homeless person looking for a place to sleep. We place our trust, lives, and community safety in the hands of...
Emilio Estevez plays Otto, a repo man in-training, as it were, by the quirky Bud (Harry Dean Stanton), a longtime repo man showing the rookie how to play the game. Car repossession is a dangerous gig. Most people don’t want to lose their vehicles, some of those people are 6’10...
3.TAKE SELF-DEFENSE TRAINING It is important to evaluate the goals and practical usefulness of a women’s self-defense program before signing up. Here are two tips:1. Avoid martial arts studios unless you specifically wish to train in the traditional m...
People-based roles:If you’re interested in working with children and vulnerable people, you might go into teaching and adult education or become an aid development officer, a counsellor or career/personal advisor. Your training in law could also be used in health and safety compliance, in heal...