As a profoundly moving examination of the black gay experience in America, this movie chronicles the life of a young man from childhood to adulthood in a rough Miami neighborhood. The protagonist's journey is marked by encounters of love, heartache, and self-discovery as he navigates his sexual...
The genre has evolved over the years, moving from niche markets to mainstream acclaim, and these movies are a testament to that journey. Among the must-watch titles are Brokeback Mountain, a groundbreaking film that portrays the intense and tragic love story between two cowboys; Free Fall, a ...
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President Jin Liqun said on Wednesday that Cambodia is moving on the right track of economic development and the bank is ready to assist the country in its socio-economic development, a senior Cambodian official said. Forest fire extinguished in Inner Mongolia Aut...
David Cho is a shy Korean-American high school student on the cusp of going to college. His parents (who only speak Korean) have sadly recently lost their take-out restaurant in Los Angeles. The parents struggle to make ends meet (she by waitressing, he by doing odd moving jobs), while...
Like police officers, real estate agents play a key role in rural communities. They help people buy and sell homes, offering locals their dream of owning land. These agents know the local rules and the ins and outs of buying rural property. ...
Being chastised repeatedly for not seeing the film on the biggest movie theater screen imaginable, I watched this offering on the plane primarily out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about. In a nutshell, I thought the visuals and action/adventure sequences up in the sky were secon...
With Himachal Pradesh offering the highest support price in the country for wheat (Rs 40 per kg) and maize (Rs 30 per kg), over 1.98 lakh farmers across 35,000 hectares were engaged in natural farming. To further encourage this, 36,000 new farmers are being integrated this year. To ...
Mohan alleged, the bar and the bench have made the judiciary into an oligarchy moving away from the values of the Constitution. From left: Journalists Roman Goutam, Peter Martell, A S Panneerselvan, Santwana Bhattacharya, Shashi Kumar and media professional Vignesh Vellore TNIE editor Santwana ...
Some auto insurance companies are known for offering preferential rates for nurses and other medical professionals.Car insurance discounts for nurses vary among insurance companies. They also vary between states. A company might offer nurse discounts in one state, but not others. For example, in ...
This culminated in an attempt in September of 2012 to decode the signals emanating from a recently departed Police Minister about a lack of support in high places for radicalism in police reform, but none of this was mentioned last Thursday. Instead, a one-by-election-only change was made ...