This German-language drama follows the life of a police officer who develops an unexpected attraction to a fellow male cop, ultimately leading to a tumultuous love affair. As their relationship becomes increasingly complex, the protagonist struggles to balance his newfound feelings against his tradition...
The uneasy balance between these worlds is soon shattered when she witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend at the hands of a police officer. Facing pressure from all sides of the community, Starr must find her voice and decide to stand up for what's right. Released: 2018...
Now entering its 24th year, Canada's Top Employers for Young People is an editorial competition that recognizes the employers across Canada that lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces and programs for young people starting their careers. Each year, the project's editors release deta...
It's not surprising that many of the top-earning professionals in Minnesota work in healthcare; however, don't let that discourage you. There are plenty of other high-paying careers listed below that don't require an advanced education. Getty Images/iStockphoto Chief Medical Officer, the pers...
Six Egyptian mummies from the British Museum will be on display in Hong Kong, offering citizens here an opportunity to explore ancient Egypt from a "scientific angle," the Hong Kong Science Museum said Monday. Belt and Road Initiative "great achievement": UN official The Belt and Road Initiativ...
Starting his career in the 1980s, Mr Barua rose up the ranks, gathered a fount of knowledge and experience in different aspect of the healthcare industry. In many ways a pioneering force in private healthcare, he currently heads the AMRI Hospitals Ltd. as Chief Executive Officer and ...
Punjab Police arrest six members of Kaushal Chaudhary gang; target killing averted CHANDIGARH: The Counter Intelligence Unit of Punjab Police in Amritsar arrested six members of the Kaushal Chaudhary Gang. The gang which is active in Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, includes two key shooters Puneet Lakhan...
Trump administration offering "deferred resignation" to all federal workers 20H ago Foreign aid freeze leads to USAID staff suspensions, contractor terminations Jan 28 Crisis in Middle East More 3 Israeli hostages freed, but 3rd exchange with Hamas doesn't go smoothly 2 Israeli women and an...
Fans of the popular 1980s NBC television series, Miami Vice will recall that Michael Mann was the Executive Producer of the show during its run. He has a distinctive crime thriller style that goes perfectly well with Heat, a sizzling 1995 offering starring two film greats-Al Pacino and Rober...
Lakshmi Narasaiah, and chief Vigilance officer Janardhan Naidu, along with employees, attended the ceremony. Deccan Chronicle 27 Jan 2025 12:02 am Six-year-old boy kidnapped, rescued by government railway police in Andhra Pradesh The Hindu 26 Jan 2025 11:44 pm Alliance government working ...