chronicles the life of a young black man grappling with his identity and sexuality, offering a raw and powerful narrative. And let's not forgetLove, Simon, a charming and accessible film about a high school student's journey to coming out, which brings humor and heart to the coming-of-age...
Police Officer Police officers risk their lives every day to serve and protect, never knowing what the day will bring — whether it be drug-induced violence, a lost child, or a homeless person looking for a place to sleep. We place our trust, lives, and community safety in the hands of...
After two false starts that seen Isiah Young of USA and Japan's Yoshihide Kiryu disqualified, Chinese national record holder Su, who boasts a career best of 9.99 seconds, sprinted to a season best of 10.09s to seal the gold, becoming the first Chinese to win the event at an IAAF Diamond...
Free Fall, a poignant German drama, tells the story of Marc, a married police officer who begins a tumultuous affair with his male colleague, Kay. The film explores the protagonists' internal struggles with their sexual identities and societal expectations, provoking viewers to consider the depths...
Gavin Newsom said at a press conference on Monday in which he touted a new plan to improve career opportunities for adults.“What they can’t do is fire a teacher for not being a snitch. I don’t think teachers should be gender police.” LGBTQ advocates said that “forced outing” ...
The serenity of Suri’s calmly floating chair stands in contrast to “Santosh,” her phenomenal, noir-soaked feature directorial debut that follows a female police officer (Shahana Goswami) investigating the murder of a lower-caste girl in Northern India. The film uses its procedural format to...
Like police officers, real estate agents play a key role in rural communities. They help people buy and sell homes, offering locals their dream of owning land. These agents know the local rules and the ins and outs of buying rural property. ...
The police in its chargesheet have made two people - Dharmender and Rajnish the main accused while two others - Jitender alias Jeetu and Manoj Shareman -- were named for harbouring Dharmender. Both Dharmender and Rajnish were arrested. A senior officer said that the police have made a ...
People-based roles:If you’re interested in working with children and vulnerable people, you might go into teaching and adult education or become an aid development officer, a counsellor or career/personal advisor. Your training in law could also be used in health and safety compliance, in heal...