(If you say no, I’d like to direct you to theDjangoAustralian miner scene…)Djangowas my favorite movie of 2012 because it was big and weird and overwritten. And dazzling and savage and brilliant. It was great not in spite of its giddy flaws but because of them.Furyshares the same t...
DanTDM, also known as ‘Dan The Diamond Minecart’ has been a big player in kid-friendly content on YouTube, and a heft of that content which focuses on Minecraft. A content creator for well over a decade, this British gentleman has an instantly identifiable laugh as he pokes and prods...
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond &Shining Pearl- 14.92 million (up from 14.79 million) Ring Fit Adventure Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!- 14.81 million (up from 14.66 million) The numbers above are worldwide sales and include retail, digital, and copies bundled...
Animoon is a Play to Earn (P2E)gamethat is coming soon. The Animoon NFTs are 9,999 unique characters based on this game. They look like anime pet creatures like Pokemon. The Animoons belong to various fictional species of creatures having magical powers. Aswang Tribe The Aswang Tribe is ...