后有若干奖学金)硕士:国内Top2(另一所),Management,GPA 3.99/4,修了不少管理学PhD-level的...
在Bloomberg Business Week 最近一期 (2018) 的商学院评比当中,Stanford 为全美最佳商学院第二名。 提供MBA 和 PhD 学位,还有一年制的 MSx Program 专门提供给已有丰富工作经验的职场人士。 课程安排弹性,必修课程约一学期就能修完,剩下的学期则能自由选修。旨在打造「专才」而非「通才」,让学生选择最想学、最有兴...
Compare graduate programs in California. Find the top graduate schools offering masters degrees and PhD programs.
我也准备攻读Strategy,在国内文科,数学统计学得一般,后来在CUHK( 香港中文大学)读了个M.PHIL in Marketing,回国来在各行业都干了干,做到上市公司的CFO,也开过自己的咨询公司,但实在讨厌国内的商业环境,准备弃商读PHD, 因为PHD一直是我的梦想,以前是一直没有钱。 在国内本科时根本就没学过Metholodgy,也不喜欢mar...
3.Strategy 策略 4.Leadership and Management 领导与管理 5.International Management 国际管理 可春秋季入学 6.Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative Industries 创意产业的创业管理 7.Entrepreneurship and Innovation 企业家精神与创新 8.Digital Business 数字商务 MBA工商管理硕士,学制1年,托福100或雅思7,...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master PHD The Catholic University of Americaprovides a unique and supportive community, offering a personal touch while presenting diverse academic programs grounded in a liberal arts curriculum. This curriculum emphasizes the integration of faith and reason and...
a business or environmental studies graduate who wants to improve their professional skills to gain employment on the management or policy side of international business. During your studies, you’ll explore the impact that institutional environments in home countries have upon a strategy, and how tho...
• 战略与商业模式创新研究 Research in Strategy and Business Model Innovation • 跨文化管理与领导力研究 Research in Cross-culture Management and Leadership • 组织重构研究 Research in Organizational Restructuring • 变革管理研究 Research in Change Management ...
A master of business administration (MBA) is a professional degree given to those who study business management at a business school. Various forms of analysis and strategy are covered including operations, marketing, finance, and accounting.
transactions and several other areas of finance including investment banking, investment management, corporate development, strategy and corporate finance. Tim has based this course on first-hand investment banking training programs at global banks. He is highly rated for the quality of content and ...