三年回忆,人生几何《入坑3周年/900👿纪念/My hardest》Memories III(Extreme Demon)100%,兼生日特别纪念 03:35 [GD/New hardest/Top18 Plat]CASIO HELLBURST(Extreme Demon)100%,飞天大🌿之无论如何都要被🌿 02:33 不灭的神话![GD/Mythic/Plat]世界咽喉Throat of the World(Extreme Demon)100%满硬币...
Define on top of the world. on top of the world synonyms, on top of the world pronunciation, on top of the world translation, English dictionary definition of on top of the world. n. 1. The uppermost part, point, surface, or end: wrote on the top of the
Hello friends, Great news for the participants of the 2nd VIKING EXTREME OPEN 2024. The company LAUGO ARMS - ALIEN, is raffling off its great pistol for the Production division. Top shooter Michal Štěpán (CZ Alien team) will conduct two days of sports shooting courses... ...
which basically plunged China into extreme poverty. The Chinese government was founded less than 100 years ago, and the cultural literacy of the people is limited. During this period,
The world is full of extreme climates that make it difficult for human habitation. There are many extreme places in the world, some of them are more extreme than others. Also, there are hottest places on earth as well as the coldest. But, here we discuses only the places with the lowes...
In 1847, Sir John Franklin and a crew of 128 men disappeared while searching for the fabled Northwest Passage. A National Geographic team sought to find evidence of their fate—but the Arctic doesn’t give up its secrets easily.
Water vapour shares many overlapping absorption bands with CO2 and therefore an increase or decrease in CO2 has little effect on the overall rate of I.R. absorption in those overlapping regions. However, in the Arctic and Antarctic, the air is very dry due to the extreme cold, allowing CO2...
15 chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 29.7k JavaScript 08/17 16 0voice/interview_internal_reference 2020年最新总结,阿里,腾讯,百度,美团,头...
Elliott Davis Jr.Sept. 10, 2024 With Trump in the White House, Iranians Mark the Anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution Tens of thousands of Iranians are marking the anniversary of the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution Associated PressFeb. 10, 2025 ...
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