Top of the Rock 观景台耸立于纽约市上方 70 层之高,是纽约市打卡的必到之处。 在此购买 Top of the Rock 门票。
1.旅游团团队:随团参加纽约市区一日游将途径该景点。 2. 自由行散客:观景台成人$32,儿童(6-12岁)$26,长者(62岁以上)$30;与现代艺术博物馆的联票(RockMoMA Special)$45,节省$13; 日间和夜晚(Sum & Star)$47,儿童$36。 位置交通(Transportation): 洛克菲勒中心地址:45Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10...
乘坐地铁B/D/F 车,到 Rockefeller Center/47-50th St. Station 下,步行2分钟就到 虽然洛克菲勒中心有多个入口,但去 Top of The Rock只能从 50th Street 的入口进入 观景台特色:既可以看到帝国大厦,又可以远眺中央公园 最佳观景时间:日落时去最好,这样日间/夜间景色都可以看到 (但是不允许带食物和水),日落见...
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112 从5th Avenue 和 6th Avenue 之间的 50th Street 进入 联系我们 Top of the Rock 语音导览 语音导览 利用我们的自助语音导览,探索 Rockefeller Center 的艺术、历史和隐藏的瑰宝。参加导览 餐饮 从精致美食到快餐小吃,Rockefeller Cent...
Top of the Rock 洛克菲勒大楼的著名观景台 首页 全部景点 峭石之巅 与帝国大厦观景台比肩,将曼哈顿美景尽收眼底。 峭石之巅是洛克菲勒广场摩天大楼上的一处观景台,位于美国纽约曼哈顿中城的洛克菲勒中心。2005年11月1日,重建后的峭石之巅重新向公众开放,为这座美国艺术装饰风格的摩天大楼掀起了一股观光高峰。峭石...
Top of the Rock Observation Deck 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, United States Please refer to themapfor assistance How to get there By train: B D F M TRAINS: Take the B, D, F, or M train to the 47-50th Street Rockefeller Center stop ...
Buy discount Top of the Rock tickets today. Enjoy stunning 360-degree views from high above New York City. Free Instant Delivery.
Top of the Rock Observation Deck 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, United States Please refer to themapfor assistance How to get there By train: B D F M TRAINS: Take the B, D, F, or M train to the 47-50th Street Rockefeller Center stop ...
包括Ghatotkach Tree Templ、Hadimba Devi Mandir和Museum of Himachal Culture & Folk Art都在短距离内,入住酒店的旅客在该地区游览会很方便。酒店邻近多个热门旅游景点,包括Vashisht Baths、Ram Temple和纳加城堡,旅客可以将行程安排的更加紧凑。查看更多 选择房间...
Tickets for the Top of the Rock start at $40 for adults, $38 for seniors and $34 for kids ages 6 to 12. Note that if you want to time your visit to the top of the observation deck for sunset, you'll have to pay an additional $10 as this is the most popular time to visit....