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12/4/2024 by Scott Roxborough The Hollywood Reporter - Movie NewsVisinema Chief on Indonesian Cinema’s Breakthrough Year: ‘It’s About Time’ The youngest Indonesian director to have won the Citra Award for Best Picture at the Indonesian Film Festival in 2014, Angga Dwimas Sasongko, finds...
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Sabrina Carpenter - Juno [24] (Another album cut. At least it's better than Bed Chem.) JIN - Running Wild [25] (And in other news, JIN continues his quest to become the 3rd Most Popular Solo Member of BTS by releasing this right lame-o of a track. Can you tell I hate K-POP?
Why Trust U.S. News Travel Sharael Kolbergis a U.S. News & World Report contributor who is a native Californian and has lived in Northern, Central and Southern California. She is always on the lookout for what's new to do in the Golden State. Some of her favorite activities are drivi...