Directed by Hiroko Utsumi, ‘Banana Fish’ is based on the manga series by Akimi Yoshida. It centers on Ash Lynx, who was picked up as a kid from the streets and brought up by mafia godfather Dino Golzin. Currently the leader of his own gang, Ash looks into the curious case of the ...
Por sus series y películas, Netflix se ha convertido en el rey del streaming. (Netflix) Netflix es un servicio de streamingque se ha convertido en una de las plataformas más importantes y que ja logrado hacer cambios importantes en la forma en cómo...
Amazon'sThe Pursuit of Love, a British import that's been met with great reviews in its native land, is perfect for anyone who loved the antics of Netflix'sBridgerton, but is looking for something a tad less sultry. The three-episode miniseries stars Lily James and Emily Beecham as cousi...
The first South Korean superhero film comes in the form of the Netflix Original film titled ‘Psychokinesis’. The film follows Shin Roo-mi, who runs a reasonably successful fried chicken market. But after her mother is killed as the Mafia attempts to evict the family from their business, Ro...
For fans of:Mafia history Number of seasons:1 Forest Whitaker,Godfather of Harlem Myles Aronowitz/Epix Forest Whitakerstars as the titular crime boss Bumpy Johnson in this thrilling historical crime drama based on real people. The violent series fromNarcoscreator Chris Brancato follows Johnson as ...
McCarthy also wrote the film Million Dollar Arm (2014) and served as a director and executive producer for the Netflix television series 13 Reasons Why (2017). Birthplace: USA, New Jersey David Ashton Age: 83 David Ashton (born 10 November 1941 in Greenock) is a Scottish actor and ...
“small screen”. TV Series today are of course not necessarily watched on television but increasingly streamed onpopular streaming servicessuch as Netflix or Prime. And these platforms bring out several new series and shows to watch on a weekly basis. But what are the best TV Series of all...
McCarthy also wrote the film Million Dollar Arm (2014) and served as a director and executive producer for the Netflix television series 13 Reasons Why (2017). Birthplace: USA, New Jersey David Ashton Age: 83 David Ashton (born 10 November 1941 in Greenock) is a Scottish actor and ...
The two women often butt heads in the series because they have very different opinions about achieving their goals, and that’s what makes the show so engaging. Ultimately, they both want the same thing - to make Oh Seung-sook mayor so that she can help those who aren’t as powerful as...
91 Days is set in the Prohibition era, creating the perfect background for gangsters and mafia. After all, everyone is trying to profit off of selling illegal alcohol, and that profit is worth killing over. Add into that mix Avilio’s lust for revenge and well. You’ve got yourself a ...