今天为大家带来的是NBA2021-22赛季Top10球员,分别是塔图姆、莫兰特、巴特勒、詹姆斯、东契奇、杜兰特、恩比德、字母哥、约基奇以及库里,其中库里帮助勇士夺得总冠军,并且当选总决赛MVP,第一名实至名归。下面为大家带来这10名球员2021-22赛季的数据统计情况: 10:杰森·塔图姆 塔图姆 塔图姆2021-22赛季带领凯尔特人闯入季...
So, according to the sports experts’ voting, the following are the top 5 players of the NBA in 2022-2023 #1 Giannis Antetokounmpo As Antetokounmpo enters the recent season of the NBA, his list of accolades already recognized him as one of the most celebrated winners in league history. So ...
整体来说。老鹰队先发完整,不需磨合,只需要尽快兑现天花板的天赋!第八位 波士顿凯尔特人队先发五人组:控球后卫施罗德、得分后卫斯玛特、小前锋杰伦布朗、大前锋塔图姆和中锋艾尔霍福德 战斗力:★★★☆☆☆ 这个休赛期,凯尔特人并没有闲下来,但是还是很多球迷队球队操作不是很满意,比如给罗伯特-威廉姆斯一份...
With the first player ratings update of NBA 2K23 being released recently, dynamic ratings are in play based off of NBA players’ real life performances. Here are the updated Top 10 overall rated players in the game: Table of Contents 1. Giannis Antetokounmpo – 97...
过去几年,关于联盟25岁以下球员的排名榜单显得有些无趣,因为独行侠的超级球星东契奇每次都能毫无悬念地稳居榜首。然而,随着东契奇如今超过了年龄限制,无法再参与这次评选,关于谁是联盟最佳年轻球员的接力棒将不得不传递给其他人。以下是HoopsHype网站在2024-25赛季针对25岁以下NBA球员的排名榜单: ...
of 2021-22,Darius Garlandhas blossomed into almost aDamian Lillardlite, with deep shooting range, the finesse to hit shots off the dribble and score from all three levels. Garland is also an impressive playmaker, giving him the makings of a future star at the point guard spot in the NBA...
Coming Tuesday: Players 50-31 More NBA Coverage: SI Top 100: Biggest Snubs NBA Offseason Report Cards: Eastern Conference NBA Offseason Report Cards: Western Conference NBA Power Rankings: Where Each Team Stands The Most Exciting Matchups to Watch Next Season ...
The deadline for men's basketball players to withdraw their names from the 2022 NBA Draft after declaring as early entrants was 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, June 1, which means there's now greater clarity as to the composition of rosters across the sport. March Madness corres...
2021年夏天NBA自由市场控卫Top10 转眼之间,20/21的NBA赛季已经进入尾声,发稿之时,东西部决赛正在白热化激战。每每来到这个时候,NBA球队的总经理与幕后团队也会开始进入忙碌的自由市场备战阶段。2021年的夏天自由市场可谓是热闹非凡,尤其是控卫位置上更是不乏诸多大咖与球迷熟面孔。