In light of a pair of matchups between the league’s two best teams – and our top-two MVP candidates – A’ja Wilson is our spotlight player this week. A’ja Wilson is a lot of things. A champion. An MVP. A Defensive Player of the Year. An All-Star and All-WNBA player. Role ...
Aside from Butler, the top Heat trade candidates are Miami’s future first-round draft picks andTerry Rozier, according to NBA executives who’ve spoken with HoopsHype. The 30-year-old guard was recently moved to the bench as his scoring production is the lowest in eight years. Rozier is ...
Who is the best player in the NBA? The time has finally come for us to answer this question. Over the last nine weeks, we have been examining the Top 100 players in the league as the 2023-24 season draws near. MVP candidates such as Nikola Jokic, Joel Embiid, Giannis Antetokounmpo, ...
新赛季开始,湖人队当家球星勒布朗-詹姆斯再次将进入MVP的行列。本赛季首场MVP天梯榜的前六名,完美诠释了MVP之间,新面孔与旧面孔之间的交替,也许是时候在领军人物列表上,为新人腾出点空间了。 Top 1、勒布朗-詹姆斯,洛杉矶湖人队 场均数据:24.2分、8.6篮板、7.9助攻、1抢断 ...
Today, we begin by ranking the NBA’s top floor generals, a position that is loaded with talent, including a potential 2023-24 league MVP candidate atop the list. Even outside of the Top 5, there are All-NBA candidates, potential All-Stars and future Hall-of-Famers on this list, as ...
近日美国一家媒体就评选出了NBA现役球员当中排名前十个人技术能力最强的球员。在这份榜单中没能看到东部第一中锋恩比德的名字,甚至是连上赛季的MVP字母歌也没有上榜。让我们一起来看下这10人分别是谁。 10.戴维斯 戴维斯已经成长为联盟攻防最全面的内线,身高208的他拥有229的臂展, 由他镇守的内线可以说是成为禁飞...
NBA公布最新MVP排行:哈登重回TOP5,“字母哥”稳居榜首 NBA官网今天更新了最新一期的MVP排行,前四名和上周相比没有任何变化,但最近随着火箭队的连胜,保罗受伤后哈登暴走般的表现,让他本赛季首次杀进MVP榜单前五。1、阿特托昆博 密尔沃基雄鹿(上期排名:1)本赛季至今的数据:26.4分12.8篮板5.9助攻1.4封盖...
今天,美国知名体育媒体《sportsalertdaily》就给出了一份常规赛MVP领跑球员的名单排行榜Top5!下面,就让一姐带大家看看,都有哪些球员呢? Top1:哈登 本赛季至今,哈登打出了职业生涯最好的一个赛季,虽然上赛季也是这样讲,但本赛季的哈登确实比以往任何一个赛季的表现,都更加惊艳。不出意外哈登会连续三年成为得分王,而...
美国媒体近期评出了自从14-15赛季以来即过去十年内,NBA最好的十位球员,让我们来看看都有谁吧。 10、乔尔-恩比德 主要荣誉:常规赛MVP1次,赛季得分王2次,最佳一阵1次,最佳阵容二阵4次。 9、安东尼-戴维斯 主要荣誉:全明星赛MVP1次,最佳阵容一阵4次,2023年季中锦标赛最佳阵容,最佳防守一阵2次。