A top bar navigator for React Native that is super light, simple, and customizable. - mileung/top-bar-nav
A notification bar alert displayed at the top of the screen for react-native - flexport/react-native-message-bar
React Native 官方推荐导航头(react-navigation)使用教程 目前react-navigation已经有了正式版本,下面简单介绍一下createStackNavigator+createBottomTabNavigator的使用方法: 1.打开终端,进入项目根目录,执行npm install --save react-navigation命令,完成后,打开package.json,看到react-navigation,说明安装成功。 2.利用create...
Facebook created React Native in 2015 as an open-source, cross-platform framework. It can be used to develop apps for iOS, Android, UWP, and Web. With React Native, developers can build mobile apps using React and JavaScript, along with native Android app development capabilities. This is t...
Easily add chat to your React and React Native apps using our new custom hooks Sep 26, 2024 ChatReact 8 min read How to enable reaction emojis for in-game chat with React Jan 30, 2024 ChatReactCollaborative experiences 6 min read Using Presence in in-game chat: Is the other person still...
Since React Native runs on JavaScript, there is no need to use/know different programming language for both frameworks either. It helps you create a hybrid-app with half the efforts. The apps built on React Native also look consistent across all platforms, providing consistency in user ...
This library is a set of customizable icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source, and full styling. The library provides pre-made bundled icon sets out of the box, and here are full examples of all the icons in the library. ...
Bothion-tabsandion-tab-barcan be used as standalone elements. They don’t depend on each other to work, but they are usually used together in order to implement a tab-based navigation that behaves like a native app. Theion-tab-barneeds a slot defined in order to be projected to the ...
Native macOS editor– enjoy its native macOS app with an intuitive interface and features like native font rendering, P3 color profile support, customizable toolbars and shortcuts, native spellcheck, dark mode, and RTL support. Real-time collaboration– work together with other collaborators and edi...
1. React Native 这个是 Facebook 在 React.js Conf 2015 大会上推出的基于 Java 的开源框架 React Native, 该框架结合了 Web 应用和 Native 应用的优势, 可以使用 Java 来开发 iOS 和 Android 原生应用 2. Universal ImageLoader ImageLoader 是最早开源的 Android 图片缓存库, 强大的缓存机制, 早期被广泛 An...