3. 专排11 综排 50 University of Florida,Master of Science in Finance。该项目为联合学位项目,仅对UF大学的本科生提供,不招收其他机构的学生。Most MSF students come from undergraduate finance, accounting, economics and mathematics programs. 4. 专排13 综排31 Boston College,Master of Science in Finance。
项目名称:MS in Finance 项目学制:12个月 官网链接: rady.ucsd.edu/programs/ 课程特点:项目共36学分,包括9门核心课程和3门选修课程。核心课程有:财务报告、管理经济学、金融定量方法、公司金融、风险分析、投资分析等。选修课程的范围很广,学生根据自己的兴趣方向选择。 截止时间:2020年12月1日/2021年3月1日 ...
Master of International Economics and Finance 是开设在 JHU 的SAIS 学院,是全美数一数二的国际关系学院,与哈佛的肯尼迪政府学院齐名,坐落于华盛顿特区,占尽地利人和。 申请要求 MSF:GPA平均3.2;托福最低100,或雅思7.0;GMAT最低600,接受GRE MIEF:GPA平均3.23-3.66;托福103-107,接受雅思;需要GMAT或GRE 申请截止时...
🔗传送门:https://www.hec.edu/en/master-s-programs/specialized-masters/master-accounting-finance-management 3. 专业名称: Master in Economics & Finance 经济与金融硕士 🏧学费:€36,250(包含服务费€1,800+行政费€950) 🔗传送门:https://www.hec.edu/en/master-s-programs/specialized-masters/mas...
Master in Economics & Finance 经济与金融硕士 🏧学费:€36,250(包含服务费€1,800+行政费€950) 🔗传送门:https://www.hec.edu/en/master-s-programs/specialized-masters/master-economics-finance 以上项目均在巴黎校区;项...
Finance is a lucrative, fast-moving field, and the competition is fierce. Ranked No. 3 in the US by Financial Times, the analytically rigorous, STEM-designatedMS in Finance programfrom Simon Business School can help you gain a competitive edge. Whether you’... ...
商业分析硕士(MS in Business Analytics) 供应链管理硕士(MS in Supply Chain Management) 会计学硕士(MS in Accounting) 全球金融硕士(Global Master of Finance) 这些项目均需提交成绩单、简历、文书、推荐信等材料,且可能需要参加语...
相关链接:https://olin.wustl.edu/EN-US/academic-programs/specialized-masters-programs/MS-finance/ University of South California 南加州大学 开设项目:Master of Science in Finance (MSF) 项目特点:STEM课程设计,丰富金融领域的职业可能性。 申请说明:不要求学科背景和工作经历;申请者平均GPA为3.6,GRE平均分为...
As a licensed consumer finance company with roots in Chongqing, MSF has achieved rapid development driven by fin-tech since its establishment 5 years ago. At present, the company has more than 100 million registered users and has contributed nearly 3 billion yuan in taxes. More than 800 sets ...