香港电影史上永不过时的杰作。 19 控方证人 / Witness for the Prosecution / 雄才伟略 / 情妇 [可播放] 导演: 比利·怀尔德 Billy Wilder 主演: 泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power / 玛琳·... 1957 / 美国 / 剧情 犯罪 悬疑 惊悚 9.6 660210人评价 比利·怀德满分作品。 20 大话西游之大圣娶亲 / 西遊...
“A confession: I saw this movie by myself in New York City on my 30th birthday. So I am perhaps a little biased, was maybe too directly spoken to by this winning film’s gentle ruminations on young-ish life in the big city. But as a means for both writer/director Noah Baumbach an...
史上最好的100部科幻电影( the 100 best Sci-Fi movies of all-time)第100到76名排名 中文片名 英文片名 年代100 滚球大战 Rollerball (1975)99侵入异次元 Trancers (1985)98铁血战士 Predator (1987)97星际之门Stargate(1994)96茧 Cocoon (1985)95银河追缉令 Galaxy Quest (1999)94飞侠哥顿 Flash Gordon ...
All in all, it's a super exciting and intense movie with excellent performances and is surely amongst the top of the best superhero and action movies. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug I'll be honest here: This is my favorite Lord of the Rings movie yet. The plot was the most ...
The most popular movies and TV shows on Netflix in the World. Who was #1 on Netflix on March 12, 2025? TOP 10 charts or full ratings charts. Check the title detail for more streaming analytics.
Over 9K filmgoers have voted on the 150+ Best Movies With Gay Themes. Current Top 3: Brokeback Mountain, Call Me by Your Name, Moonlight
Jeff Simon / Arts Editor
to me as movies that disappointed me, and I'd rather move onward and upward. But I've seen some movies that will be released in 2014 that have a good shot at being on next year's Top 10 - movies likeBLUE RUIN,CHEAP THRILLS, andGRAND PIANO.And who knows what 2014 has in store?
梅丽尔·斯特里普在电影中的十大角色——电影女演员HD(Top Ten Meryl Streep Roles in Movies - Film Actress HD) 暮光之城: 破晓-部分2 官方电视节目-史诗结局_2012_ 高清电影(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Official TV Spot - Epic Finale _2012_ Movie HD) ...
Western I wish to see more western movies in recent years. WE NEED MORE OF THESE MOVIES! The same film over & over again, all filmed in Monument Valley. Tedious. Family What passes for "Family" today would have pushed June Cleaver past the grave and straight to the crematorium! I can ...