爱情片 :Love story / Romance 恐怖片 :Horror movie / Thriller 剧情片:Drama 侦探片/悬疑片 :Detective / Mystery 军事片/战争片 :Military / War movie BT:03 《战中女人》 Woman At War Treating its timely themes with adeceptivelylight touch,Woman at Waris easy to enjoy in the moment, yet its...
4.《好萊塢殺人事件》(Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) 《好萊塢殺人事件》的導演及演員組合,相當令觀眾期待,導演是昆汀塔倫提諾,演員則是許久未有作品的李奧納多狄卡皮歐及布萊德彼特的對戲組合,而女主角則是小丑女瑪格羅比,電影改編好萊塢的真實事件,50 年前女明星莎朗蒂(Sharon Tate)被謀殺的慘案,電影預計在 20...
Two things happened in the theater when I sawJojo Rabbit. First, I both laughed and cried within a matter of scenes. I don’t remember the last time a film evoked such a wide range of emotions from me. A good movie will hit on as many emotions as possible to help the viewer connect...
MovieHorizon 2019-12-31 09:55 Netflix公布了2019年度各大Top 10榜单,没看过的小伙伴可以🐴片单!2019年最受欢迎剧集Top 101. 《怪奇物语》 第三季2. 《猎魔人》3. 《伞学院》4. 《麻木不仁》5. 《你》 第二季6. 《有色眼镜》7. 《难以置信》8. 《性教育》9. 《十三个原因》10. 《家有...
Media Crossovers Drive Sales of Game, TV, Movie Tie-InsPosted by Brigid Alverson on June 10, 2019 @ 9:42 am CT分享 Facebook Twitter Email Reddit Media tie-ins and manga dominate the Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels in the book channel, based on NPD BookScan data for May (5/5/19-6/1...
No Fathers In Kashmir | 2019/04/05 | English,Drama | ⭐️Crictic Rate: 3.5/5 | ⭐️Users Rate: 3.3/5 http://watchonline.top/post/91753664/62424487 Gone Kesh | 2019/03/29 | Hindi,Drama,Comedy | ⭐️Crictic Rate: 3.5/5 | ⭐️Users Rate: 3.0/5 ...
A post shared by The Grudge (@grudgemovie)onDec 13, 2019 at 6:08pm PST 2. Black Widow Release Date : May 1, 2020 After watching Black Widow leave us inAvengers : Endgame, we can’t wait to see her in her solo movie. Grit Daily ...
Additionally, "Ne Zha 2" has successfully attracted a significant number of viewers aged 30 to 39, a group that had largely retreated from cinemas in recent years, according to Chen. These mid-to-low-frequency moviegoers have returned to theaters thanks to the film's exceptional word-of-mou...
Python 01/18 200EvilCult/moviecatcher 电影美剧搜索及在线观看离线下载软件,集成热门资源站,借助百度云实现离线下载以及在线播放功能。 714Python 01/14 ⬆回到目录 Go#RepositoryStarsLanguageUpdated 1 /the-way-to-go_ZH_CN 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》 22.4k Go 07/24...