Silat’s inclusion in so many contemporary martial arts films has also led to the creation of some of the best modern martial arts movie fight scenes, and that means, of course, that it’s time for another KFK countdown list, dear readers, so take your fighting stance make sure to have...
It all started in 1932, when the original "Scarface," directed by Howard Hawks and produced by Howard Hughes, hit the big screen. Censors demanded the subtitle “The Shame of the Nation” be added so filmgoers wouldn’t view the movie as a glorification of gangster life. So much for t...
The cameras were specifically built for this movie, with a resolution of 6K. Some jets had cameras mounted on the bottom to capture the other jets in action. The actors had to be taught how to direct themselves and do their scenes without being able to communicate with the filmmakers on ...
Yu Shu Lien (the warrior played by Michelle Yeoh) chases the thief while jumping smoothly across glistening rooftops and finally facing him off in a stupendous combat scene. The fight scenes look straight out of Olympian gymnastics and the incorporation of slow-...
The British RAF goes on a mission to prevent Operation Sea Lion (Hitler's planned raid of Britain). About the Guy Hamilton flick,Sparkskisays it has "some really good air combat scenes considering the year it was made." The movie takes a major step toward avoiding any form of failure by...
李小龙最腻害的十个电影打斗场面 Top 10 Greatest Bruce Lee Fight Scenes of All Time 79观看 --弹幕 04-23 BV1ci4y1m7m2 未经作者授权禁止转载 1 -- -- 缓存 分享 相关推荐 评论-- 3.1万 171 6:43 App 李小龙双截棍技法合辑 20 -- 1:26 App 2分钟回顾李小龙的传奇一生,至今无人能...
Top Gun: Maverick Scenes Scored for Authenticity by Real Fighter Pilot Movie News Retired fighter pilot Dave Berke was shown several scenes from the Oscar-winning sequel and graded them on a scale of 1-10 for realism. ByArchie Fenn Sep 1, 2024 ...
Knowing that even the slightest whisper or footstep can bring death, Evelyn and Lee are determined to find a way to protect their children while desperately searching for a way to fight back. Released: 2018 Directed by: John Krasinski Dig Deeper 14 Behind-The-Scenes Stories From 'A Quiet ...
Based loosely on the life of Henry Lee Lucas, John McNaughton’s “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” stars Michael Rooker as a man so sick, he killed his own mother. This movie is frightening for its realism and one of the most uneasy scenes involves Henry and his killing companion ...
Also ranks #10 on The Saddest Movie Breakup Scenes, Ranked 2 Brokeback Mountain Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Linda Cardellini 3,629 votes A pensive and melancholic portrayal of a secret relationship between two cowboys in Wyoming, this film explores the effects of societal expectations on queer ...