Wormrot / 2022 听Wormrot今年这张我并不只把他们只看作是一支碾核,喜欢这些在传统意义碾核之外,结合了多种其他风格的特点,例如硬核朋克的riff和thrash metal等风格的融入,这也正代表了碾核创新进化的方向。有人会说这其实已经不是一张纯粹的碾核,也不够“脏”,但正和其他很多风格一样,进化融合并不等于脱离本质。
and way more people piled on. Between all of these, you'll get a really good idea ofMetalBite's tastes. Nothing like having a huge list of sweet albums to check out in the new year.
尝试跨越avant-garde/disso black metal的边界,与土耳其/北非等民乐元素相结合,将错综复杂的不和谐音与民乐旋律融为一体,从创意想法到编曲都很具有新意,此外还有来自噪音音乐对于这张专辑的影响作用。错综复杂的编曲结构、充满活力的节奏和民谣旋律不是所有人都可以融合得如此浑然一体,也更加证明了他的才华和能力。 Warl...
Top 5 Metal Albums of 2022 Top 5 Metal Albums of 2022 Yes, it’s time for that unforgettable end-of-the-year ritual again. I hope you count on this list as much as I count on it from myself. To me, compiling a list of favorite albums during the last month of the year and ...
全能主唱Andy Cizek在2019年加入后的第一张全长(已经是Monuments的第六任主唱,人员确实有些动荡),他的加入确实给Monuments带来了不一样的东西,嗓音非常具有上个十年Metalcore的怀旧感,cleans/screams都极力发挥出了他的最好状态,一人可以媲美很多双主唱的配置。
MetalBite's Rating: 9.5/10 And there you have it Hopefully 2023 will bring more writers, more reviews, and making these lists even more of an all-encompassing resource for what's what in new metal albums. . Here's all the past year's lists below. Stay greasy!
Metal Blade Records When the news broke out back in 2022 that the legendary Swedish black/thrash metal band Nifelheim was going on an indefinite break, it really made a lot of people very sad about the fact, including myself. Nifelheim has been one of my favorite bands for a long time,...
6 on my 30 Best Metal Albums Of 2009. At the time, I mentioned mainman Mike Scheidt's masterful "Wino-on-Deathspell Omega" vocal performance plus those endless doom riffs equaled pure American doom gold. Two years later, the five-song, 55-minute Atma is a crustier, sludgier, dirtier,...
Many artists underwent reinventions of their sound in 2022, but few were as dramatic as 40 Watt Sun’s metamorphoses from doom metal to languid chamber folk. There’s not a trace of metal to be found onPerfect Light, London musician Patrick Walker’s latest release under the 40 Watt Sun ...
2019应该算是传统重金属遍地开花的一年吧,诞生了很多非常棒的专辑。 今年新专听得最多的还是Heavy跟Death这两块,Thrash也就听了几张而已。 所以选入的重金属占了很大部分,常关注这类的应该对这些专辑不会陌生,没什么特别的。 (仅个人总结,不会写评论。随便听听,随便看看。) ...