MBA专业排名世界第4 (《经济学人》2014年MBA排名);EMBA专业排名世界第1(《金融时报》2015年排名);管理学硕士项目(Master in Management)全球排名第2(金融时报2016年全球管理学硕士排名);金融硕士项目(MSc in International Finance)全球排名第1(金融时报2016年全球金融硕士排名)。 杰出校友包含多位世界500强企业CEO及...
The institution is part of the Jumeirah Group and this allows their students to access and work in the internationally renowned Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts. EAHM provides a part time MBA in International Hospitality Management to accommodate the professional who cannot afford to put pause to their ...
MSc in Hospitality Management IMHI MSc in Management of Health Industries MSc in Data Sciences & Business Analytics - with CentraleSupélec MSc in Marketing Management and Digital Global MBA PhD 3.ESCP ESCP-Europe,ESCP是世界上第一所商学院,被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院之一,是与 HEC 和 ESSEC 并称...
Graduate School of Management 创建于1881年,位于密尔基,综合性大学,学生人数有12024人,其中研究生3069人,二级国家级大学。 .Full-Time MBA Program .Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) ...
.Traditional MBA Programs .MBA Healthcare Management .Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) ...
One of these popular programs is a nationally recognized online MBA offering for prospective graduate students. In terms of higher education accreditation, the Higher Learning Commission has accredited Columbia College to confer online degrees and certificates. ...
康奈尔大学酒店专业研究生教育分为MMH(The Master of Management in Hospitality, 以就业为导向)和M.S./PhD (The Master of Science anddoctoral degree programs, 以研究和教学为导向)。作为常春藤名校中唯一开设酒店管理专业的大学,康奈尔以培养业内领袖人才为目标。
40、sterMBA programs;工商管理硕士工商管理硕士(English)/programs/mba-programs.html global MBA 全球 MBA MBA in international luxury brand management 国际奢饰品牌管理 MBA in hospitality management (MHI)酒店管理Executive MBA 高级工商管理硕士 EMBAPhD (English)Executive education Deadline to send application...
Bachelor’s Degree: Your foundation with a degree in Hospitality and Tourism is an excellent starting point. However, aspiring Restaurant Managers might also consider degrees in Restaurant Management, Business Administration, or Culinary Arts. These programs delve into restaurant operations, financial mana...
今天着重介绍一下该专业:Master of Management Studies: Foundations of Business(MMS: FOB)。这是一个为期短短十个月却含金量极高的项目,与MBA共用教学资源,涵盖了众多领域的business fundamentals,包括会计、金融、经济学、市场营销、战略、运营、管理和决策科学。因其专门为0-2年工作经验的学生开设,班级成员呈现...