These MBA programs teach students how to make sense of business data and create mathematical models.
3. Venkateshwara Open University - Online MBA in Business Analytics and Intelligence Venkateshwara Open University is a private university located in Arunachal Pradesh. The University offers 2 years distance MBA and 1 year Executive MBA programs. The distance education MBA program offered by the Univers...
7. Indiana University - MBA majored in Business Analytics 链接: IU的商业分析是MBA项目下的一个细分专业,也就是说学生申请的是MBA。入学后第一学期学习商业管理基础课,第二学期开始学习商业分析专业课(Intro to Spreadsheet Modeling, Predictive Analytic...
一般来说,商业分析专业有以下三种programs: Masterof Science in Business Analytics; Master of Science in Analytics (Applied Analytics); Master of Business Analytics. 目前美国大约有250个Business Analytics或Data Science相关专业的硕士项...
A brand-new entry this year, McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management enters the business master’s rankings in 10thplace for its Master of Management in Analytics (MMA) course. The program places a strong emphasis on experimental learning and f...
一般来说,商业分析专业有以下三种programs: Masterof Science in Business Analytics; Master of Science in Analytics (Applied Analytics); Master of Business Analytics. 目前美国大约有250个Business Analytics或Data Science相关专业的硕士项目,每年毕业生有8000-10000名。从专业的名称上来看大部分学校都是叫Business ...
以笔者选择的MIT MBAn为例,2017Fall入学的学生人数为30,而2018Fall达到接近45人,根据我们项目的Director的说法,未来会预计招生60人每届。UCSD的BA 2017Fall 入学人数为55,而2018Fall预计的入学人数为70。 图:美国商业分析/数据科学项目增长图(quoted from Graduate Degree Programs in Analytics and Data Science by...
Full-time Master Programs in Carey Business School 凯瑞商学院所有全日制硕士项目 开放时间:2023年9月1日 Early Action 申请截止时间:2023年9月13日 Early Action 申请结果公布时间:2023年10月25日 第一轮申请截止时间:2023年10月25日 第一轮申请结果公布时间:2023年12月13日 ...
The QS Business Masters Rankings expanded in 2021 to include a ranking of the top supply chain management programmes around the world. This is in addition to the previously offered ranking tables, focused on business analytics, finance, management and marketing programs. ...
5. MBA硕士 TOP 10 Master of Business Administration MBA目前仍然是很多高级岗位的敲门砖,出国想读MBA,大多数人的首选就是美国,不光因为MBA发源地在美国,仅凭借美国MBA商学院为各个行业输送的众多风云人物,美国MBA就当之无愧被公认为是全世界最权威的MBA。据统计,拥有MBA学位的商学院毕业生的平均起薪中位数...