In our 4 hours of research, we were able to compile a list of books that touch various verticals of digital marketing comprehensively and engagingly. Many of the books that are mentioned here have been marked as bestsellers and are often recommended by experts in the field of Digital Marketi...
We have updated this list and added moremarketing booksthat every marketer should cover if they want to accelerate their growth in this field. Below this first list, we have added more marketing books specifically tailored for advanced marketers and essential reads for any digital marketer to add ...
本文主要概括了2024年巴黎奥运会的品牌营销情况。主要内容包括: 巴黎奥运会共有79家品牌成为官方赞助商,合作分为奥林匹克全球合作伙伴、高级合作伙伴、官方合作伙伴、官方赞助商四个级别,赞助收入总额预计约12.26亿欧元。 巴黎奥运会共有400多家中国品牌参与,包括官方赞助商、转播商、赞助国家队/运动员、供应商等。其...
It’s one of the best marketing books available, as it covers a plethora of different topics. So, if you’re looking to find all the necessary info in one place, we can’t recommend “Content Chemistry” enough! 2. Digital Marketing: A Step Towards Success -Sagar Son If you want to ...
1.Social Media Marketing Workbook(2025) by Jason McDonald Ph.D. Rating: 4.4/5 Books by Jason McDonald are unique. They include worksheets for the procedures you need to do. This updated social media marketing book for 2025 includes video training, PDF worksheets, tools, and step-by-step ...
This list of the best marketing books should hopefully serve as an excellent introduction to the field, and may even have taught you a fewnew tips or tricks to take to that meeting next Monday. Dive in and start your road to becoming a marketing powerhouse today!
2024年巴黎奥运会品牌营销白皮书-TopMarketing 超4成观众已是奥运“老粉5成观众首选直播观赛 对大部分观众而言,四年一届的奥运会是全民瞩目的焦点赛事,不论对竞技体育是否感兴趣,都会或多或少观看相关内容。 调研显示,超四成的观众连续观看了 4-5 届的奥运会,有 9.5% 的观众观看过超七届以上奥运。
With classics like Patrick Bet-David's “Your Next 5 Moves” and contemporary gems like Jonah Berger's “Contagious,” the list oftop strategy and business marketing bookswill have something for everyone. Not only will these books offer you invaluable insights and practical tips, but they will...
I don't see this trend slowing down in 2024, and neither do the marketers in our survey. 84% of marketers in our survey (48%) say they will increase their investment in influencer marketing in 2024, almost as many as last year (89%). ...
Books for womenoffer insights about various issues, situations, or conditions women face and advise how women can navigate such issues. Below are the top pick for women. Best Chick Lit Books For Women The Rule Book, by Sarah Adams (2024) ...