MTG top 8 decks from the best paper, Arena and MTGO tournaments around the world. More than 6795 decklists published in the last 2 weeks.
TopDecked The #1 app for Magic: The Gathering. Stay on top of prices, get ideas for decks, test new strategies, and beat the meta. TopDecked offers more features than dozens of other apps combined. Account|Articles|Privacy|Terms|Contact...
The Magic: The Gathering card Gix Yawgmoth is spiking right now, rising from $5 to $10 in the last half a month, thanks to the return of Rakdos.
but close behind it was the Miner's Guidewing at 52.9%. Both cards were the staples of aggressively tinted white decks in LCI, using evasion to put pressure on the opponent. Another LCI card in top 10 is Petrify.
This would be most powerful in green decks that are playing the whole contingent of mana dorks - past that point, I'm not sure where else I would want to try to include it. Maybe I'm just kidding myself here - after all, we've had Reprocess for the great majorit...
The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.. This site uses cookies for analytics, ads and personalized content...
More than 84203 Pauper Decks from the best pro players including tabletop tournaments, MTG Arena, Magic Online and many more. Become a winner and beat the metagame!
EnterMagic: the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers.For $10.00, you get 8 decks, 8 game modes, andtonsof replay value.It’s a great purchase. I’ve uploaded three (3) guides to my favorite of the game’s many decks. To read more about my impressions, and to learn the ancient pra...
Top Level Podcast is a weekly Magic: The Gathering podcast hosted by Hall of Famer and PT Champion Patrick Chapin and Resident Genius Michael J. Flores.
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