The Maserati Levante got a refresh a while back but it’s still the underdog in the world of luxury SUVs. Not especially common (a credit appealing to some), it combines a lux badge and a capable drive. It’s lacking on some driver assist (ADAS) features, and potential buyers think ...
NO5:双龙帝沃利 从12.4万起售,紧凑但棱角分明的双龙帝沃利是一款相当养眼的汽车。车场4米,行李箱最小容积为309L。搭载了1.6L四缸汽油发动机,最大马力为128,柴油发动机1.6L/115马力。NO4:菲亚特500X 这款SUV起售价不足12万,设计非常优雅,虽然个头小,但是应对城市路况和日常出行完全够用。虽然离地间隙...
When it comes to plush people moving, the best luxury midsize SUVs are those that exude style and class, come well-equipped with features, and are supremely comfortable. Of course, the rankings include iconic brands and revered automakers with decades of experience crafting premium vehicles. And...
TOP 6:本田CR-V 半年销量:163697辆 本田CR-V跟奇骏差不多,都是较早期就打入美国市场的都市型SUV,销量一直都比较稳定。又有好事的老美吃瓜群众做过一个统计,说CR-V是北美销售速度最快的车型,从出厂到经销商卖给消费者平均只要7.6天。作为对比,汉兰达要13.6天、凯美瑞要15.1天。这算是侧面反映了CR-V...
Among the subcompact SUVs, the Corolla Cross offers a more spacious interior. It has proven to be one of the most reliable gas-engine cars among Consumer Reports' testing. Toyota Corolla Hybrid The Corolla Hybrid offers 40 miles per gallon, which is close to the fuel economy of the much ...
The 2023 e-tron might be the best-looking electric SUV. Audi's design team really hit it out of the park with the e-tron's subtle curves and powerful wide stance. The e-tron looks right at home standing next to exotic SUVs like the Lamborghini Urus and the Bentley Bentayga; in fact...
这样的成就归功于 SUV的诸多优点:空间表现更好,越野能力更强,外形更时尚,更个性化。而在轿车领域,尽管仍有相当的占有率,但是与 SUV的强劲发展相比,它的销售却出现了逐步下降的迹象。由此可以看到,随着汽车市场的发展, SUV将逐步成为汽车行业的主流。SUV在我国的销售表现出了迅猛的发展态势,已经超过了普通的...