More programs from the university Master MBA Our portfolio of postgraduate courses has been designed for the change makers of the future; those who are ready to push themselves and broaden their horizons. From taking your first steps into business, to enhancing your financial acumen, or tackling...
More Programs Program overview Main Subject Business and Management Studies Degree MBA Study Level MBA The course integrates practitioner and academic teaching throughout the core subjects, with a strong focus on individual development and employment skills and a curriculum that addresses the key ...
it has become very important to improve the economy and the financial conditions in our countries. This dream can be achieved through applying certain methods and ideas which can be found in MBA programs.MBAis an acronym forMaster of Business Administration.This branch of science...
英国伦敦大学学院(University College London)简称UCL,建于1826年,是伦敦大学联盟(University of London,简称UOL)的创校学院,与剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院并称“G5超级精英大学”,代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量、经济实力,是英国金三角的名校之一,同时也是英国顶尖研究型大学联盟--罗素大...
注意!Global executive MBA是针对已有较长工作时间 (8年到20年)的申请者开设的,上课地址除了Chicago之外,还有London和香港。 University of Pennsylvania - Wharton 链接: Wharton商学院的MBA项目历时两年,要求学生完成19个学分,包括9.5学分的核心课程,5学分的专业课程,和4.5学分的选修...
City, University of London Bayes BusinessSchool 伦敦大学城市学院贝叶斯商学院 全球第41名🎉全英第10名🎉 University of Birmingham University of Birmingham Birmingham Business School 伯明翰大学商学院 全球第48名🎉全英第11名🎉 ...
PART-TIME MBA PROGRAMS 1. New York University, Stern School, New York 2. U.C.L.A, Anderson school, LA 3. Harvard University, Cambridge 4. Kellogg School of Business 5. University of Chicago, GSB 6. London School of Business
In addition to being able to concentrate on a particular discipline within a traditional full-time MBA program, many of the world’s top business schools also offer a selection of ‘specialized’ MBA programs in name. Many of these specialized MBA programs are specific to a certain industry and...
London, United States More Details 82.6 Shortlist Compare 3 Warwick Business School Coventry, United Kingdom More Details 80.2 Shortlist Compare 4 Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) at the University of New South Wales Business School ...
10. Imperial College London Location: London, England, United Kingdom Best Global Universities overall rank: 13 Fact: Imperial College London offers a master's degree in environmental technology in which students encounter an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines natural and ...