The mother must be in Bengaluru to fulfil bail conditions, her lawyer told the court. Following this, a bench of Justice Nagarathna and Justice N Kotiswar Singh directed that the child be produced for the next hearing. Singhania, along with her mother Nisha and brother Anurag, faces charges...
vet, Salvador Sauza Panelo (not to be confused with the Filipino lawyer with same name). She made her mark in MTV as one of the funniest and wackiest MTV VJs ever, especially in her regular shows Classic MTV and MTV Mush. Georgina Wilson Georgina Ashley Diaz Wilson-Burnand (born 12...
“As a lawyer immersed in the live-music world,” says Groffman, 66, “the impact of the pandemic was swift and brutal — and we were thrown into the chaos it precipitated.” The immediate challenges of rescheduled shows, insurance claims and financially sustaining road crews gave way to po...