与此同时,有三所法学院同时进入了这三项榜单的Top 50,分别是肯塔基大学法学院(University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law)、俄勒冈大学法学院(University of Oregon School of Law)和威斯康辛大学法学院(University of Wisconsin Law School)。 虽然肯塔基大学法学院的2022届毕业生中只有3人进入了大型...
2022世界顶尖法学院排名TOP100If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigious universities for this field. 假如你想要攻读法学专业,那么你面对...
近日,娱乐业媒体The Hollywood Reporter评选出了今年最新的娱乐法最佳法学院榜单,即Hollywood’s Top 13 Law Schools 2024。入围的既有毗邻好莱坞(具有地理优势)的加州院校,也有东海岸的常春藤院校以及个别知名度相对没有那么高,但同样在培养娱乐法律师方面颇有建树的法学院,以下是一些详细情况。 Hollywood’s Top 13 L...
Among the 14 best-ranked law schools in the U.S. News 2023-2024Best Law Schoolsrankings, including ties, the medianscoreon theLaw School Admission Testfor entering students in fall 2022 was a 172 out of 180 – well above the median score of 157 across all 196 ranked law schools...
法学院完整排名链接:https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/law-rankings (图源:托福考试官方社区) 全美最佳教育学院排名TOP10 教育学院是近年来中国留学生申请较多的方向。2022年教育学院排名中,哈佛大学和宾夕法尼亚大学成为“双冠军”,并列第一。
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Below is Ulinks.com'slaw school rankings, showing the top law schools in the United States. There are many law school rankings available on the internet and each has its own merit. We strongly suggest that all prospective law school students fully research schools, including visiting the campuse...
UCL is ranked 13th for Law, as well as being the eighth best university in the world according to theQS World University Rankings 2022. University of Melbourne Melbourne Law School offers a master’s in Human Rights Law, where students can select a wide range of courses to suit their indivi...
Top 25 Law SchoolsA table is presented which lists the top 25 law schools granting most degrees to Hispanics in the U.S. including the Florida International University, St. Thomas University, and the American University.Hispanic Outlook in...
Top law schools in the US and Canada Many of the world’s top law schools are located either in the US orCanada. Harvard University in the US scores particularly highly in the employer reputation indicator. Harvard Law’s graduates are highly sought after by employers in law firms, businesses...