综合排名:48; 17.圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St Louis) 综合排名:19; 18.南加州大学(University of Southern California) 综合排名:22; 18.范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University) 综合排名:15; 20.波士顿大学(Boston University) 综合排名:40; 美国法学专业简介 在美国,Law School(法学院)与其他两大...
Below is Ulinks.com'slaw school rankings, showing the top law schools in the United States. There are many law school rankings available on the internet and each has its own merit. We strongly suggest that all prospective law school students fully research schools, including visiting the campuse...
16南加州大学University of Southern California 16德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas--Austin 16范德堡大学Vanderbilt University 20佐治亚大学University of Georgia 20华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校Washington University in St. Louis 22杨百翰大学Brigham Young University 22俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State University ...
15、乔治敦大学Georgetown University 16、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas,Austin 16、范德堡大学Vanderbilt University 16、圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St.Louis 19、南加州大学University of Southern California(Gould) 20、波士顿大学Boston University 3.2022USNEWS美国法学院排名top50中的T50: 21...
今日,USNews正式发布了最新的2023美国最佳法学院的排名,而T14法学院的排名则迎来了不小的动荡接。有的是黑马冲击有的则是大跌眼镜,接下来跟随托普仕Zoe老师一起来看看美国法学院top100排名榜单有哪些吧! 一、美国法学院top100排名榜单公布: 二、此次排名变化情况: ...
top36布鲁克林法学院Brooklyn Law School top36乔治梅森大学George Mason University top36杜兰大学Tulane University of Louisiana top36威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin-Madison top36华盛顿与李大学Washington and Lee University top36威廉玛丽学院College of William and Mary ...
Yale Law School had the highest LSAT scores by a slight margin over Harvard. Students interested in top law schools often talk about making it into the T14 (a nickname given to the top 14 law schools in the country). But there are many factors that should be considered before other less...
提起法律留学,就不得不说美国。从当今全球来看,美国的法律体系是相对比较成熟的。美国高校的法学专业设置齐全,师资优良,为美国培养了众多律师人才,美国政界和商界中许多精英都来自名牌法学院,比如前总统克林顿和奥巴马。 对于中国留学生来说,在众多开设有法学院的美国高校中,“T14”最引人瞩目!它是指美国排名前14的法...
The exodus from UT-Austin's law school since the ruling; California schools where voters have outlawed affirmative action; Falling minority applications in Texas and California as a result of the rulings; Statistics a...
The foundation for ACU was laid when the idea for a school in West Texas was first shared by A.B. Barret and Charles Roberson in 1903. With support from the Churches of Christ and the land granted by Col J.W. Childers at a very low price, the present institute began as The Childers...