South Korean-developed games are renowned for their visually stunning design and unique art style. This distinction extends to some of the well-known MMOs originating from this region. If you’re seeking online multiplayer games that offer exceptional gameplay and breathtaking visuals, then these top...
Hulu is a unique streaming service. It's one of the oldest streaming services, having launched back in 2007, and was the first streamer to earn the Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series, whichThe Handmaid's Talewon in 2017. It has one of the best ratios of good original shows to bad ones ...
The four Hong Kong movies in the 2008 Ip Man series are named after the real Chinese martial artist and grandmaster of the martial art called Wing Chun whose students included Bruce Lee. STREAM NOW Netflix 6 Okja Only Bong Joon Ho could make a film about a little Korean girl and her ...
Korean:밥 잘 사주는 예쁜 누나 bap jal sajuneun yeppeun nuna Love is a common theme in any Korean series, especially in Asia. There will usually be some love dynamic, even in an action-packed story. However, there is a growing theme in stories and even in real life now...
The unexpected hit Korean drama Squid Game is more the latter, as a group of people in bad need of money are taken in by a secret organization that has them play games -- like Red Light, Green Light -- for money. The catch? They lose, they die. Violently. What separates this from...
Top 15 Most Beautiful Korean Actresses 2022: 15. Choi Ji Woo The most famous actress in television series Choi Ji Woo, not only well-known there but also in Korean film industry. The feminine Choi Ji Woo rules on her fan’s hearts and made the film industry more modern. She also set ...
A very popular torrenting website among anime fans, Nyaa focuses on the best CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) torrent downloading. In addition, Nyaa is famous for its massive public library of East Asian anime and otaku torrents. Formed as a fork of the top-rated Nyaa torrents site, NyaaV2...
Korean beauty embodies a skin-first philosophy. Here, an expert teaches us what exactly K-beauty means and what the best products are on the market.
Park Bo Gum is one of the most handsome Korean actors who gained public recognition after he began his starting career. Apart from his outstanding looks, he has certainly proved his versatile acting talent with his series of exceptional roles in Korean film and television dramas. He has also ...
In 2022, KG Group, a South Korean chemical and steel conglomerate, acquired SsangYong Motors and rebranded it as KG Mobility in 2023. The company has been performing well since the acquisition. In the fiscal year 2023, KG Mobility achievedrecord sales of 116,099 units, with 63,345 sold in...