Given a non-empty array of integers, return thekmost frequent elements. Example 1: Input: nums =[1,1,1,2,2,3], k =2 Output:[1,2] Example 2: Input: nums =[1], k =1 Output:[1] Note: You may assumekis always valid, 1 ≤k≤ number of unique elements. Your algorithm's tim...
classSolution:deftopKFrequent(self, nums, k):""" :type nums: List[int] :type k: int :rtype: List[int] """# 统计元素的频率freq_dict =dict()fornuminnums: freq_dict[num] = freq_dict.get(num,0) +1# 按照频率进行排序freq_dict_sorted =sorted(freq_dict.items(), key=lambdax: x[...
关于堆,上个题目 215M 第K个最大值 我们已经介绍过:王几行xing:【Python-转码刷题】LeetCode 215M 第K个最大元素 Kth Largest Element in an Array 2.1 小根堆优先队列的解题思路: 每一个词入堆; 如果堆的大小超过了k,则抽取顶端那个; 剩下的 k 个元素,就是出现次数最多的单词。 小根堆的时间复杂度:...
Given a non-empty array of integers, return the k most frequent elements. For example, Given [1,1,1,2,2,3] and k = 2, return [1,2]. Note: You may assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ number of unique elements. Your algorithm’s time complexity must be better than O(n log...
heappop(heap)[1] for _ in range(k)] 代码(Go) func topKFrequent(nums []int, k int) []int { // 统计 nums 中每个数字出现的次数, // 时间复杂度为 O(n) ,空间复杂度为 O(n) numToCnt := make(map[int]int) for _, num := range nums { // num 如果不在 num_to_cnt 中,则...
[leetcode] 347. Top K Frequent Elements Description Given a non-empty array of integers, return the k most frequent elements. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2 1. Output: [1,2] 1. Example 2: Input: nums = [1], k = 1...
1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2, Output: [1,2]. 1 is most frequent, 2 is the second frequent element. Idea First construct a counter of the elements, then put the elements in an array indexed by the count. Finally, read the array from right to left. ...
You may assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ number of unique elements. Your algorithm's time complexity must be better than O(n log n), where n is the array's size. 很常见的top-k问题,我一开始的想法就是用哈希表来实现。 注意priority_queue的使用,排序是first,所以把second放在first。
Many big data applications today require querying highly dynamic and large-scale data streams for top-k frequent items in the most recent window of any specified size at any time. This is a challenging problem. We show that our novel solution is not only accurate, but it also one to two ...
We propose an approximate integrated approach for solving both problems of finding the most popular k elements, and finding frequent elements in a data str... A Metwally,D Agrawal,AE Abbadi - 《Acm Transactions on Database Systems》 被引量: 712发表: 2006年 TFP: An Efficient Algorithm for Mi...