print(, y, k=2)))# 1.0 print(, y, k=1)))# 0.5 3.3 Pytorch中的实现 同Tensorflow一样,在Pytorch中也并没有提供现成的API来计算Top-K准确率,也只是提供了一个类似于get_top_k_result功能的函数。因此在Pytorch中我...
一、tf.sort()排序,tf.argsort()排序得到元素index 二、top-k之tf.math.top_k()最大的前k个元素 三、实战 importtensorflow as tfimportos os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] ='2'tf.random.set_seed(2467)defaccuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): maxk= max(topk)#这里为6batch_size = targ...
计算了boo之后,boo已经是top k中是否包含真实标签的布尔值了;剩下的操作就和top 1一样了,转换为数值即可。 accuracy_top5=tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(boo,"float"),name="top5_accuracy")
所谓的Top-1 Accuracy是指排名第一的类别与实际结果相符的准确率, 而Top-5 Accuracy是指排名前五的类别包含实际结果的准确率。 下面的代码可更为直观地说明其中的区别: importnumpy as npimporttensorflow.keras.backend as K#随机输出数字0~9的概率分布output = K.random_uniform_variable(shape=(1, 10), low...
"""Computes the accuracy over the k top predictions for the specified values of k""" with torch.no_grad(): maxk = max(topk) batch_size = target.size(0) _, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True) pred = pred.t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) ...
Adding a metric to track top-k classification accuracy. Details Seeing how metrics like top-5 error rates are increasing in popularity, I was thinking that a metric to track top-k classification performance might be useful. Useful when the argmax() prediction might not match, but subsequent pr...
VGG-16 Top-1 accuracy evaluates to 70.894%, not 71.5% as reported on TF-slim. System information What is the top-level directory of the model you are using:
首先,作者在一个 CPU 集群上部署 50 个客户端,其中每个客户端都有自己的专属 CPU(s),使用 TensorFlow 为合成数据库建立了一个 FL 测试平台。在每一轮训练中,选择 5 个客户端根据本地数据库进行训练,并将训练后的权重发送给中央服务器,中央服务器将其聚合并更新全局模型。在本文使用的原型中,作者使用了一个强...
"""Computes the accuracy over the k top predictions for the specified values of k"""with torch.no_grad():maxk = max(topk)batch_size = target.size(0)_, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True)pred = pred.t()correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred))res = []f...
目录OutlineSort/argsort一维二维Top_kTop_oneTop-k accuracy示例OutlineSort/argsortTopkTop-5 Acc.Sort/argsort一维import tensorflow as tfa = tf.random.shuffle(tf.range(5)) a<tf.Tensor: id=59, shape=(5,), dtype=i 张量排序 原创 wx5b1fd43180419 2021-04-15 18:33:44 1218阅读 Delphi...