2 COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 《计算机在生物学和医学中的应用》期刊官网:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computers-in-biology-and-medicine ISSN:0010-4825eISSN:1879-0534Index:SCIEIF(2023):7JCR分区:Q1 中科院分区:医学2区Top 自引率(2023):8.60%...
which had more than 3800 articles or reviews from 2002 to 2004 in the "Web of Science".Method: The category "MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL "of" Journal Citation Reports" was searched with the highest Impact Factor of the three journals' articles cited the most times by using the Web of Sc...
http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/cc 核心选择理由:审稿速度快、编辑效率高、接受率高、国人非常友好、可免版面费、OA 模式版面费便宜、性价比高 出版社:Royal Society of Chemistry 分区:JCR Q2、中国科学院化学 2 区(大类)、化学:综合 3 区(小类) 影响因子:4.3 审稿周期:稳定在 2~3 个月...
conductedapolltoidentifythe100mostinfluentialjournalsofBiology& Medicineoverthelast100years: Thedivisionwasledin2008byChairJohnTebo,UniversityofCincinnati,and in2009byChairJeanCrampon,UniversityofSouthernCalifornia.Three panelsconsistingofthreeexpertseachwererecruitedfromtheDBIO ...
Even though the proportion of female authors has increased in the past decades, women still contribute less to prominent medical journals [ 2 ]. Methods Thirty-five top-10-ranked journals of eight different medical categories were analysed: Medicine, General & Internal (M,GI), Critical Care (...
Academic MedicineAzer SA. The top-cited articles in medical education: a bibliometric analysis. Acad Med 2015;90(8):1147-161.Azer SA. The top-cited articles in medical education: a bibliometric analysis. Acad Med 2015 [Epub ahead of print]....
The Lancet’s 2013 impact factor is 39.207, ranking the journal second in the general medicine category. It’s very difficult to be published in The Lancet. Only 5% of submitted manuscripts accepted for publication in the Lancet family of nine general medicine specialty journals. ...
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/biomedicine-and-pharmacotherapy 历年影响因子 历年引文指标 年发文量 期刊分区 期刊互引关系 期刊分析: BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY在医学领域的分区类别为2区,且被认定为TOP期刊。该期刊具有基础版和升级版,且都属于医学领域的2区期刊。这表明该期刊在医学领域的影响力较大,被广...
SCUT excels in fundamental research, consistently achieves new breakthroughs in high-quality original research, and has significantly increased the number of papers published in top international journals. 学校基础研究实力雄厚,高质量原创成果不断取得新突破,在国际顶尖刊物发表论文数量显著增加。
《JAMA》最新JCR分区为:Medicine,General & InternalQ1.6.期刊近年年发文量《 JAMA》年文章量尚可,自2014年起年约207篇。7.投稿周期官方网站:https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama根据《JAMA》官网投稿周期:(以下时间均为中位数)首次决定:3天审核:32天从接收到首次在线发表:20天从接收到印刷出版:43天接收率...