新加坡的国际学校(International Schools in Singapore)是指那些主要面向在新加坡的外籍人士子女,同时也接受新加坡本地学生的学校。这些学校通常提供从幼儿园到高中的全套教育,采用国际通行的教育体系,如国际文凭(IB)课程、英国国家课程(British Curriculum)、美国教育体系(American Curriculum)等。 低龄留学生 选择新加坡国际...
东南亚联合世界书院(简称UWC) UWC South East Asia International School 全球排名:TOP 32 IB平均分:38 学校简介: 东南亚联合学院 UWCSEA新加坡校区,于1971年由新加坡开国总理李光耀亲临学校揭幕成立,是全亚洲第一间IB授权的学校。 UWC作为IB教育最早的践行者之一,始终领跑在国际教育最前沿。它被公认是新加坡以及全球的...
ISSfollows the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework from Primary Years programme through to Middle Years programme and leading to the Diploma programme. As one of the longest established IB Continuum International Schools in Singapore,ISScontinues its nearly 40-year history of providing education fo...
KIS有550多名学生,来自45个不同的国家,是一所高质量、高水平学术的教育机构,获得了国际学校委员会(Council of International Schools)的认证,与华盛顿国际学校、华盛顿IB世界学校结成了伙伴关系。 收费标准 曼谷KIS international school (KIS) 幼儿园: 每年学费401,000 – 425,000 泰铢 小学: 每年学费488,500 – ...
Many parents in Singapore are now choosinginternational schools in Singaporefor quality education. Such trends fall into factors that attract families seeking globally recognized education. Be it the international curriculum or the diversity of cultural exposure, these days, international schools a...
This University is the Singapore’s 4th University that was established with the collaboration of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The University has the collaboration with the Singapore Management University and Zhejiang University for providing the Academic excellence. 6. Melior International College ...
Next 10 Schools to complete Top 20 Schools in Gurgaon (Gurugram) 11. Ryan International School, Sector 40 12. Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok-1 13. Amity International School, Sector 46, Gurgaon (Gurugram) Amity International School, Sector 46, Gurgaon (Gurugram) Overall Rating: (4.0 bas...
Compared with last year, the overall ranking of international schools in China has dropped slightly, mainly due to the adjustment of American universities' policies on overseas students, preferring to admit more local students. In addition, Ivy League and other popular schools in America have ...
Explore Top International Schools More students are attending universities outside their own country. The number of international students worldwide rose from roughly 2 million in 2000 to about 4.1 million in 2009, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. If you are ...
Home / Schools / Schools in Quang / Singapore International School, Ha Long Singapore International School, Ha Long To provide quality education programmes in a creative and challenging learning environment. Address: Hung Thang Urban and Service Area, Hung Thang Ward, Ha, Quang, China ...