70 world-renowned multinational companies and 7 NGOs. CEMS promotes a uniquely high standard of education in management and unites the best schools in their pursuit of training the leaders of tomorrow.
BA (Hons) in Business Management (International Business) Bachelor's Barcelona BA (Hons) in Business Bachelor's Munich BA (Hons) in Business (Management) Bachelor's Munich BA (Hons) in Business (Project Management) Bachelor's Munich BA (Hons) in Business (HR Management) Bachelor's Mun...
AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International中文名称:国际商学院协会。全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构,成立于美国,该教育认证有商业认证(Business)和会计认证(Accounting)两种。EQUIS:European Quality Improvement System Europe中文名称:欧洲质量发展认证体系是针对...
有着法国常春藤之称的“精英大学校”中,有一个非常重要的分支——法国高等商学院(法语:Grandes Écoles de Commerce;英语:Business Schools),也是法国教育机制的一大特色。 法国高商因为其毕业生往往有很好的前途与"钱途",成为法国与海外众多求学者梦寐以求的理想院校。法国高商以培养世界高级商业精英而闻名于世。...
BA (Hons) in Business Management (Enterprise) Bachelor's Barcelona BA (Hons) in Business Management (International Business) Bachelor's Barcelona BA (Hons) in Business Bachelor's Munich BA (Hons) in Business (Management) Bachelor's Munich ...
Business schools and MBA programs have traditionally tended to attract more male students than women. This limits the options for female students who are looking for a graduate business program with a larger number of women enrolled. The following 10 sc...
有着法国常春藤之称的“精英大学校”中,有一个非常重要的分支——法国高等商学院(法语:Grandes Écoles de Commerce;英语:Business Schools),也是法国教育机制的一大特色。 法国高商因为其毕业生往往有很好的前途与"钱途",成为法国与海外众多求学者梦寐以求的理想院校。法国高商以培养世界高级商业精英而闻名于世。
· International Business 国际商务 Business Strategy for the Digital Age Comparative Politics of Latin America Euro-American Comparative Politics Geopolitics of the Arctic Implementing Strategy Understanding The Middle East: Economic and Strategic Fundamentals ...
AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International 中文名称:国际商学院协会。 全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构,成立于美国,该教育认证有商业认证(Business)和会计认证(Accounting)两种。 EQUIS:European Quality...
The article offers information on international business schools concerning rankings, profiles and recruiting patterns as rated by Bloomberg Businessweek. According to the report, France's INSEAD has topped the chart by climbing two spots since the previous ranking in 2008. It also states that Master...