Occult horror thriller books Legal thrillers Financial thrillers YA thriller books Sci-fi thrillers Spy and espionage thrillers Techno-thrillers Psychological thriller books K-Dramas and Thrillers One of the most popular thriller book genres is the mystery thriller. This type of thriller usually contains...
Tetsuya (aka Nowaki) arrives at his distant aunt’s mansion, which operates as a luxury brothel, and soon uncovers the disturbing events occurring within its walls. At ‘Gekkokan,’ the prostitutes are subjected to humiliating and brutal treatment, potentially involving occult practices and encounter...
Occult Files of Doctor Spektor 6 Omac (1974) 30 Omaha the Cat Dancer 9 Omega the Unknown 24 Our Army At War #81-#301 68 Our Fighting Forces (1954) 31 Our Love Story 10 Outlaw Kid (Marvel) 8 Patsy Walker #87-#124 5 Paul Kirk - Manhunter 0 Peter the Little Pest ...
My time of reckoning came when I needed to fix insomnia, and non-fiction business books before bed just compounded the problem. I began reading fiction to “turn off” and instead saw breakthroughs in creativity and quality of life as a side-effect. Now, if people ask me, for instance, ...
Books/Editor's Picks/Mystery November 13, 2016 Top 10 Best Occult Books For Beginners Getting into the world of grimoires, magick, and the occult is a daunting task. This world is eerie, and getting started is not easy. Well here are the best occult books to get you started,... ...
We know what you’re thinking here. How can an 800-year-old Italian mathematician help me win at roulette? And as you might expect, the answer is complicated. Suffice it to say that the answer is a bit occult and esoteric. But theFibonacci Sequenceis a simple enough concept. Each number...
In this book, Rachel Pollack draws on mythology and esoteric traditions while diving into the symbolism of each card. But unlike many other guides, this book looks at each card from a modern psychological slant – based on the pictures of the cards, rather than a system of occult symbolism....
and its secrets after his grandfather’s death. Hugh finds in the basement of the mansion an enigmatic beautiful girl called Dalian, who explain to him the duties he has received with the occult library "Dantalian's bookshelf," which stores the prohibited books of the demons called “Gensho...
This narrative bears a resemblance to certain elements in popular horror and thriller novels, though the specifics of the story are unique. The book's story is raw. It hits you hard with its portrayal of past mistakes and their repercussions. It's not just about horror or the occult; it...
Occult Horror Graphic Novel Set in 1950s London December 9, 2024 A story of an occult order with an eerie vibe, set during London’s Great Smog. Read MoreBox Office Report; 'Invincible' S3 Trailer, Date; Alan Moore Endorses Adaptation Deal; 'Nyaight of the Living Cat' Trailer; 'Infin...